ok, i'll buy that but i can't buy them spending what it would cost to move up and take either of those guys and it would be daft to think either will fall to 6.
It's the possibility that either of them will fall to 6 and if you think that's impossible then you probably have bought in to some draft pundit logic because it is very possible. Neither one is a slam dunk not matter what anybody says and no matter what you think. Both of the top 2 QBs have very legitimate questions that could cause them to fall. Both are very likely candidates to bust also unless they are put in the right situation. Imagine if Luck went to the Browns or Jaguars
I said compete not start. If he's the best Qb (and the field is very slim) then he starts. A guy like that has to be lights out in pre-season. Now that's a true competition.
Neither will get past Washington, Cleveland is desperate for a QB and have two 1st round picks and then there is Philadelphia..convince yourself one will drop but you won't convince me.
Yeah you think that and maybe you will be correct, but the odds are against it. I don't care what you convince yourself of, you aren't that intelligent
What the Hell is Ozzie Newsome thinking?! Imagine, that guy's going to the hall of fame as either a player or GM too. Matt Schuab as a back up to Flacco, unbelievable.
Realistically I'm talking about their qb situation Jack off Matt schaub is not a Super Bowl maker .. Get a grip Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's probably exactly what Newsome was thinking when he pursued him. He probably wanted the shittiest most washed up QB possible to backup Flacco since injuries don't really happen in football.
It makes it even worse for them. We have fitz, schaub serves us no purpose despite your obvious boner for him. If flacco goes down they are 100% done if they don't bring in a functional backup. That said I've ordered a Matt schaub poster for you and it'll be there tomorrow for your fapping needs. The jets Browns and anyone else in the qb market clearly passed on him. But notsatoshinakamoto is pissed bc geno sucks and schaub was good 3 years ago. On the sliding scale of retarded the more geno sucks the less washed up schaub becomes. Fire mac immediately. Not signing a should be retired qb is inexcusable lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm still LOLing at you using Matt schaub and Super Bowl in the same analogy Literally loling Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wasn't actually doing that but if that helps you get off have fun with it. Schaub would have improved our qb situation. I won't lose any sleep over it but your over reactions to my interest in him was fun. 2x on the jersey please.
All were left w now are thoughts of what could have been. Bc geno sucks And the Ravens win championships Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Back to square one, oh well. The likely of Geno coming anywhere close to having the career Schaub is having is remote. Let's hope Fitz stays healthy, and we nab a QB on day one. Geno blows
5/10 57 yards 2 picks and 3 fumbles Matt schaub last preseason Normally I wouldn't name a preseason stat but considering his meltdown in Houston it's very relevant Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk