I think I'm wrong about the 1 dead, hopefully. I was watching the Weather Channel also covering the tornadoes in Oklahoma and got myself flummoxed
Scary stuff. Leaves me wondering what a terrible sight it would be if many of these gas lines were compromised.
Used to go to Sushi Park all the time. Actually had a Christmas Party there one year. Really hope that the missing kid.
Hopefully everyone is OK. My favorite French Fry place went down, trivial in the grand scheme, but man I loved that place.
Yup I dont hit the east village too often (too many people), but when I do, I always hit Pommes Frites
isn't there a well known burger place right next to pomme frites? That place looked like a family business and relatively well known in the area
That's what I was thinking. Condo will be up by the end of the year. Time to make some money... Calls probably started rolling in last night.