, thatI view the forum primarily as a place to practice writing. That both indirectly and even directly helps me keep my communication skills for work sharper than they would be otherwise. Limiting the subject matter to the Jets is part of that since in order to write you must not only have a subject matter. But it must be something you know something about, and care to put some insight into it, even creative elements, that leaves a result that is worthwhile. I don't claim to have created these writing principles. Perhaps the best articulation of these can be found in a video of an interview of the great writer John Updike. Here's the link of that, that is, if you are at all interested, a very valuable piece that I hope to claim with some merit has influenced me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ITf1LpwZ7U Some might consider some portion of what is covered here rather mundane, but Updike is famous for having said his intention in writing was to give the mundane its beautiful due. Beyond that if subordinate is at least the notion that we share information, and insights, about the Jets. I used to think this was more signficant a factor than it actually is, but we all fall short of the ideal, don't we? Still there is enough of this that it is worth mentioning.