This "group" only earn a W-2 and will work for someone else their whole lives. This "Group" will only fill out one line on page 1 of the 1040 and take the standard deduction. After the W-2 years, this "Group" will only have SS and won't have to file a return. This "group" has been suckered in time and time again to "prefer" things that are against their own interests. It's already "simple" enough for this "group".
Yea - the last 15 years proves that. I don't see how simplifying the tax code is bad for the majority. Maybe you can fill us all in. people who pull a paycheck rely on people who own businesses. unless you believe Hilary when she says businesses don't create jobs. so unless there is a more friendly business environment businesses and corporations will continue to leave or shores.
That's bullshit.... I don't mind paying taxes. If I'm stuck paying them then so should everyone else and it should n't be easily manipulated by the rich so they end up paying less then their fair share. I'm not advocating that we use the rich to support our government, what I'm saying is they should pay their fair share like everyone else. How much of the tax revenue that is collected is actually used to fund the department that taxes us? Do some research on it and you'll see what a complete crock of shit the IRS is. How many employees doe the IRS have? How much money could be saved if the IRS was cut down and not used as a way to create more larger government? They could seriously shrink the IRS with an overhaul of the tax code or even better a flat tax.
Ftgr I am not going to talk politics here more htan is minimally necessary, as might be tangential to some other discussion.
The tax code is where its at mainly for one reason: the ultra rich and big businesses have found loopholes in the tax code and Congress has to fix it. This pattern keeps repeating itself. 99.9% of businesses and individuals have a simple tax returns. The tax code is made up for the .1% of big business/rich people. "More friendly business environment" is code in my opinion for the ultra rich/big business wanting lower tax rates AND keeping the loopholes, which doesn't make any sense. You hear "tax reform" in the news and "tax reform" is quite simple the top will pay much less and guess who makes up the lost revenue....the 99.9% of people and small business. People still want their government spending money on roads, welfare, defense. This country kicks ass in starting a business. If you work hard, anything is possible. Only the lazy blame the tax code and "business environment". I started my own business a couple of years ago...You have to pay to play: I had to pay various fees to state/local/city and the various licenses also at all 3 levels. After this, hard work takes over and nothing about the tax code or "business environment" matters. These are just phrases thrown around to rile up folks into voting against their own interest. Tax code for 99.9% of businesses (which obviously includes mine) is quite simple: Revenue - Expenses - Depreciation of Capital Assets = Net Income. Real easy. I do a tax return for a $10 million revenue business or the local barber who makes $40,000. Both the same. One involves more work but still the principle applies. Once you involve multi national corps and many subsidiaries and transfer pricing between countries, that's why the tax code is immense.
this makes no sense. I'm a communist because I think an entitlement government program that is forced on me is bullshit and I could do better investing my own money that I earned on my own? I could literally retire 10 years sooner if I didn't have to contribute to this nonsense. Ten years of my life to support the community. And the government is so loose with it's payouts that it thinks there are millions of people over 112 to pay. Sweet. You're not very smart are you?