This right here. The military teaches you invaluable lessons on leadership, something that feels sorely lacking in the current administration.
Enslave the masses with federal handouts and then force them to vote for the hand that feeds. Brilliant.
and who gives a crap about Australia? their toilets flush backwards and they walk around in Jean shorts with their balls hangin out all day
Blame Al Sharpton. I'm sure he was behind this. If it wasn't him, Obama must be channeling his inner Josef Stalin and Chairman Mao since everybody knows he's a America Hating, Commie Islamic Terrorist Racist..
I despise Obama but I think this was actually a good idea. I don't know how realistic it is but I like the idea.
There should never be mandatory voting- part of a democratic republic is the right to NOT participate. I disagree with the President there. He's right though that if everyone voted the influence of money/lobbyists would be less, but thats why we should volunteer to vote, not make it mandatory.
It will make people actually care since we have a decent size population that complains about this and that problem but never votes...How do you want things to get done in your favor if you never vote? This would also lessen the influence of the ever increasing money being thrown at elections...Good lord, its only to get worse with each election....Soon it will be a $10 billion election in no time.
If I didn't know better, you're starting to sound more and more like what those demographic analysts refer to as the "angry white male." : ) That someone should have the temerity to disagree with our president should not cause people to go over the edge in a pique of hypersensitivity let alone heavy-handed sarcasm. And speaking of heavy-handed Cman, whadda think: maybe the snarky "keeping it real" Sharpton references are getting a little stale? From Barack Obama on down, they are elected-by-the-people officials who are sworn to uphold the Constitution. They are not "hands off-don't touch" celebrities. Government of the people, by the people, for the people........not AT the people.
How about a carrot instead of a stick? Each election cycle, gub'mint checks get passed out on election day as you leave the polls. Of course, I would also want a doctor, an ICE agent and a probation officer there to check disability, immigration status, criminal record, outstanding warrants, and so forth. But that would all require id and I appreciate how only a racist would ask for identification to vote.