If I have to hear any of these useful idiot analysts use the phrase "pro style offense" one more time Im gonna scream
Rob Rang @RobRang · 7m7 minutes ago Most at Oregon crowding near cones for upcoming 40. Not Maccagan (far right) who has been on phone whole time. #Jets Maccagnan's smoke screen is pretending to not even care about the workout. Brilliantly done.
Come on guys...let be honest. Don't you feel much much better with Mac the Knife this year pulling the strings on the draft than good old JI. I'm pumped...MM or not.
Just doing 40 yard dashes. No drills yet. I can't believe (i) I am watching this and (ii) DVRing it too. SMH the life of a Jet fan. _
still got a good 25 mins until mariota does anything only thing I wanna see is how he handles it since they are saying he is running it all on his own scripted the whole thing himself