I thank him for trying to help my team win for 5 seasons, he wasn't very good but he's a good guy and I wish him nothing but the best.
I wish Ken the best, always have. AGAIN, was my favorite player as a kid. Doesn't mean I have to tell people he was great when he wasn't.
Are you suggesting that Kyle Wilson made anything NEAR the contribution to the Jets that Ken O'Brien did?
He didn't even bring up Obrien you did, why don't you go back to obsessing about a player that never had a chance to stay on the team after 4pm today?
Kyle applied for the head bagger position at Saferite. He was not hired. His interview comments include: "Kyle stated he would have no problem taking credit for groceries bagged by the customers themselves. He also appears stiff and slow, and may not be able to turn his head to make eye contact with customers. Kyle repeatedly used his fist to bump himself in the chest throughout the interview. Strange. Kyle may be better suited in the parking lot pushing carts in a straight line".