Well then they are blind. Did you see Mariotta throw at the Combine? His passes are right on the money. Tons of interviews later I guess all the Scouts are contemplating pass lol. Titans will pass because they have Metenberger and Locker, that's why
Combine is nothing more then the combine. The pads are off and there isn't 4 or 5 defenders coming at you. Locker is gone and Mettenberger is still unproven but as potential.
This entire thread is BS, the Eagles will NEVER trade with the Jets for the 6th pick. The Eagles know the Jets are in the market for a QB and wouldn't risk the Jets being OTC at #6. Chip Kelly would have to get ahead of the Jets to not risk losing MM. If Mike Mac plays his cards right, he would never tip off to anyone, especially the Eagles, what they intend to do with the pick.
If this BS rumor is true it better be a kings ransom... I highly doubt a new regime that desperately needs a franchise QB will pass and trade back but if it does happen it better be for 2 firsts + 2 seconds and Foles.. Anything less and I'll be pretty pissed off!
I don't think it will happen for a few reasons 1) Very possible he doesn't make it past the Titans 2) Entirely possible that the Eagles would want to jump ahead of us knowing that we have a big need a QB and not want to risk it (I know the idea behind this rumour is that we've already worked out a trade but nothing to say they can't have a few options on the table) 3) Our need at QB is huge, so we would have to be receiving a lot in return to make us look past a potential franchise QB, the Eagles may not be willing to pay that price 4) Fear of looking stupid. If Mariota ends up being an elite superstar QB then Mac is going to look mighty stupid having traded him away for a pile of picks that may or may not be NFL calibre players 5) Mac wanting to put his stamp on the franchise early. If Mac is a draft guy why would he trade down 14 spots in the draft order in his first draft as GM? Sure more pieces are coming in as well but he has an opportunity to put his mark on this team and set the direction for it, if Mariota is there and he doesn't have faith in Geno he could also draft his guy. Could it happen? Maybe, as with anything it depends on the compensation we get in return and how high Philly is on him. If Kelly believes he can use any RB in his system and be successful and had success with a combination of Sanchez and Foles maybe he feels similarly about the QB position, at least to a degree, so maybe the idea of selling the farm for a QB doesn't really make sense to him.
Systems can make or break a QB, just ask Matt Casell. He had 1 good year in NE with help from their cheating dept. Smartly the Pats traded him away at high value and he's been garbage since. Not that I think Mariota is Cassell, he is clearly more talented, but he will do better in some systems than others. I think Chan Gailey could make him successful but I also think Chip Kelly would be his best option for the following reasons: 1. He wouldn't have to learn to be under center 2. He's already mastered the system Kelly runs 3. The QB helmet radio is active until 15 sec on the playclock. For a team like Philly that runs a fast pace that means the coach is talking to the QB all the way until the snap. That could be a huge advantage for a young QB in particular. 4. Likely a starter out of the gate (with Dirty Sanchez as his backup) Now some reasons why he could be successful with the Jets, too: 1. Better defense means he wouldn't be needed to score as much. Protect the ball and score 20 points and the team has a shot to win. 2. Chan Gailey is pretty creative and could help get the best from him though maybe not year 1 3. Better receiving options with the Jets (yes that's right!) with Marshall, Decker, Kerley and Amaro. 4. Better running game would take some pressure off as well.
Jets haven't said anything in regards to his draft plans. I think if the Eagles can't trade up for the #1 pick and Mariota starts to slide - you could absolutely see a scenario where the Jets and Eagles talk trade.
Why would Chip Kelly risk the needy QB Jets getting OTC?????...makes zero sense. If Kelly wants MM he has to get to #5 or earlier.
I agree. Normally WW85's statement would be accurate, but I think in the rare case where you're giving up a QB in return for a pick to grab a QB, the only teams that you really bother with are the ones where Nick Foles presents a substantial value. The problem is that most people are still only looking at the draft value chart and considering Foles a throw-in, so they'll be disappointed with whatever deal is possible.
I guess some people just don't get my reasoning. If the Eagles let the Jets get OTC, MM could be gone. Foles has zero to do with this discussion.
Depends on how open McCagnan is in talking by pick 6. Could be a pre-arrangement pre draft if the scenario happens.
This is true. Kelly and the Jets will be in a stare down throughout the entire negotiating process with neither side knowing if the other is being honest. Kelly could easily be establishing the price for Mariota to take to the Raiders or Jaguars and see if they will accept it and the Jets could easily be trying to tie him down so he doesn't jump ahead of them and take Mariota. This is where reputations are made and lost. I have no idea if either Kelly or the Jets would be willing to give up their ability to negotiate with other teams in good faith in order to get an advantage in this situation.
I don't think Chip is going to trade up for Mariota. It seems like it's a guaranteed move. But if they trade with Tennessee or Jax they would have to give up A LOT. Like three first round picks. That could set them back years. Trade with Washington won't happen because they'll want more than anybody else because they are a division rival. If they trade with us, same story. We have a need at QB so we would want a king's ransom to pass on the QB of our future. I don't see it happening.
I don't think a team like the Redskins make a trade with the Eagles. This draft, the cream of the crop - you got 4 great pass-rushing prospects and 2 elite receiver prospects. A team might fall in love with a player so much that they won't even listen to offers - they will take that BPA. You won't find a pass-rusher nearly like Fowler in the 2nd round. Cooper and Kevin White - same thing in the 2nd round. We don't even have to mention Leonard Williams as he's the best player in this draft. I think you have to consider all potential scenarios in this draft. Anything can happen.
I never said the Skins, I just said #5 or earlier. Bradwaysux gets it, it's a shame some of you Guys don't understand it. Kelly isn't going to risk letting the Jets be OTC if he wants MM that badly.
I certainly agree with you. I just don't think Kelly will be able to pull of any trade into the top 5, honestly, unless he's willing to give up 3 first rounders. Bucs have their guy. Jacksonville, Raiders, and Titans will all want quite a lot IMO. Maybe more than the Jets, particularly because moving down to the 20th takes away many blue chip prospects this year alone and future picks aren't guaranteed to be good ones (over 15th, most likely). Redskins won't trade down. If Kelly wants Mariota that badly, he will give the farm to someone. I just don't think anyone will give away 3 firsts after the RG3 debacle.