In the year 2015, at a prestigious university a stone's throw from Hollywood and Beverly Hills.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
I'm not defending anyone really here Brad, but did you read those minutes? Sounds like a bunch of self-important kids tying themselves in knots to use bigger words than they really understand. There was an adult in the room that brought everyone back to earth. She got her precious appointment, unanimously on the the second vote. This wasn't the first wave in a pogrom.
Thank you, Dierking. This is a bullshit, dishonest story. Questioning the bias of an organization doesn't reflect you are prejudiced against the race or religion of the group. If it was a black candidate who was part of the black panthers would it be racist to question their ability to be unbiased? What about a white student part if the KKK or an Arian group? Believing those groups may be biased doesn't mean I am racist towards whites or blacks anymore than believing Jewish organizations may promote bias doesn't make me anti-Semitic.
In my life experiences, jewish girls were always really sexy. If I wasn't a married man, I'd throw the new testament out the window for a girl like that.
I don't think the Hillel organization can be compared to the KKK or the Black Panthers, which are racist hate groups with a history of violence. A better comparison would be if she belonged to Chi Alpha (a Christian group), would they then want to block her inclusion?
Would the topic even come up if this was a Christian organization? Would anybody have the inclination to expose themselves as religiously intolerant by challenging a Christian candidate in this way? When I said Anti-Semitism I meant prejudice against Jews but in fact Anti-Semitism is prejudice against those of Semitic origin, including Arabs. Muslims and Jews often face the same prejudices. It's just really unusual for them to face the same prejudices openly expressed in America. To those saying this was just one person spouting off: the council voted to exclude her based on the argument before she was sent from the room (sent from the room?) and they ironed things out and then re-voted to include her. The person who made the argument against including her because she belonged to Hillel clearly thought there were undercurrents favoring her position when she made the argument. This belief was confirmed in the first vote, which excluded the candidate at least partly based on the religious arguments.
And then the cabal of evil racists were promptly enlightened and reversed themselves. O, the persecution!
let me get this straight. we're still just talking about students right? Particularly two broads. Sounds more like a mean girls thing than a glimpse into American anti-semitism. I don't doubt there is anti-semitism in today's U.S., but there's got to be better examples than this
They voted to exclude her because she belonged to Hillel and then a faculty member had to point out that membership in Hillel was not a conflict of interest. At which point they reversed themselves. Prejudice is not based on rationality, it's based on gut emotion. The UCLA guts obviously include a significant amount of Anti-Semitism at this point because their student leaders exhibited Anti-Semitism.
If it was just the two women you have a point but there were at least 4 votes on the council to exclude her. If this was just about her then the people trying to exclude her wouldn't have brought up Hillel at all. They would have been perfectly happy just voting to exclude her based on her own merits. That Hillel was brought into the conversation followed by a vote to exclude makes Hillel one of the defining factors in the exclusion and that makes Anti-Semitism part of the conversation. To people saying that Hillel is a Jewish organization and somehow outside the UCLA student body, you're just making my point for me. So what? Most religious organizations are limited to adherents of the religion. Membership in a religious organization should not be a disqualifying factor in terms of public service.
When was the last time you saw an open expression of Anti-Semitism as it relates to Jews in America? There have been many such that relate to Arabs and Muslims but it is very unusual to see one that relates to Jews.
I agree with Brad here, and note that the UCLA Chancellor certainly saw the first vote, the questions asked, as examples of prejudice.
It doesn't have to be an identical comparison to dispute the position that simply questioning the bias of an organization equates to being discriminative against the race or religion of the members of the organization. That is the cries of the people claiming doing so is an absolute indication of racial or religious discrimination.
Curiously it might be noted that today in history marked the beginning of the Ethel & Julius Rosenberg trial in the New York Southern District federal court. ...relax, relax... Also on this date: - the Dred Scott Decision - the Fall of the Alamo Today's birthdays: -Michaelangelo (mounted sculpters) - Tom Arnold (mounted Roseanne Barr)