Saudi has the most to gain from any war in the region. It wouldn't surprise me if they were a major instigator in a conflict between Iran and Israel. They are "friendly" with Israel only for as long as it benefits them. A war between Iran and Israel weakens both and strengthens SA, both financially and as a power in the region.
No, you said wait for a better deal, and when I asked you to say what that was, you said nothing. Netanyahu has been wrong before, despite presumably having more info than you or me. Obama does too, but you don't seem prepared to defer to him. I am not sure what your point is here.
Figures a reactionary like you would totally miss the hypocrisy. And how does Netanyahu speaking for his country show a love for America? Nice follow up to Sad Rudy's take on Obama, though. Fox News viewer? Heh.
Yes, you wait for a better deal which would mean not rushing to a new (shit) deal before the old deal expires. The better deal may not exist yet or even ever but if the shit deal is a gateway to Iranian nukes it's fucking stupid. I think Obama is a retard, so no, you won't find me deferring to him.
I understand what you are saying here, but a war with Iran will definitely draw in the Saudis. How that plays out for them can't be said right now. They've got a lot on their plate. Egypt being funded, and problems in Libya. Oil markets worldwide. ISIS, imo more of a threat to them, indirectly, than to many others. Yemen right next door. I am not sure SA has much room for a war with Iran.
the editor of Harvard Law Review is a retard? You have no cred here, and YOU DID say there was a better deal, and now you have shit when I called you on saying what that would be. The alternative to a deal with Iran is regime change. Admit it, accept the fact, that is the logic of what Bibi was arguing. So go for it.
Yes, you said wait for a better deal. But then you can't describe what a better deal would be. Nor have you said how waiting will lead to a better deal. that makes no sense. Meanwhile what happens? I don't see Netanyahu as saying wait for a better deal. He is saying Iran should not have a nuclear program at all. I understand why he wants that. I wish it could be made to occur, too. But since the Iranians have the ability to develop a nuclear program, they can either choose not to do so, or be forced not to do so. I don't think military strikes make sense since it would merely delay them, and part of the criticism of what apparently is being negotiated is the ten year term. A military strike will not hold them off for anywhere near ten years. It might not hold them off at all. Seems clear that the choice is either to do a deal now or regime change.
One thing can someone explain to me? Are the laws of physics materially different in Iran than they are elsewhere? If not, absent some outside government intervention from somewhere, they're going to be able to build all the nuclear technology they want and can afford, correct? We are depending on some government interference from somewhere to prevent the natural progression of the laws of physics to occur. I'm kind of confused that any conservative would endorse this kind of thinking that some form of government policy will affect the direction gravity works. I work from the basic assumption that the Iranians are getting nukes whether we like it, Israel likes it, or anyone else. The more normalized our relationship is with them, the less likely they will ever be incentivized in any way to use them. I have no problem tossing a little diplomacy at the Persians. Netanyahu's basic way of doing business is to assume a permanent state of war anyway, not sure I want to follow his lead on anything.
Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen all have attacked US embassies in the last 5 years. Egypt, removed our flag and replaced with an Islamic flag. Libya, killed our Ambassador among other Americans before attempting to burn the building down. Yemen, set fire to government vehicles. Tunisia started fires in the embassy. Tunisia is also known to be a large supporter of ISIS; providing the most foreign fighters among other aid. Turkey has attacked our embassy, Turkey has even attacked US Navy personnel abroad. Yemen attacked the USS Cole. Syria is in upheaval, Gaza has fired over 15,000 rockets at Israel over the last 5 years. Iraq is a disaster. Our own President kisses the rings of the King of Saudi Arabia. The US has held an embargo with Iran for as long as I have been alive. I trust none of the Nations in the Middle East, with USA weapons and USA funding, except for Israel.
Iran has been dodging un watchdogs monitoring there nuclear program for years. irans economy has also been pretty well beat up by sanctions. i think the idea with these negotiations at least in part, and i could be wrong, is that Iran is supposed to agree to come out of the closet with there nuclear programs which are allegedly by iran for power not weapons in exchange for loosened sanctions. So the whole thing is a diplomatic approach. Where yahoo and others seem to have a problem is that the negotiations allegedly give too many, potentially dangerous, concessions to Iran. I believe most everyone prefers a diplomatic solution. the devil is in the details.
Obama is bowing before the altar of militant Islam while Iranians conduct war games using cruise missiles to blow up life size replicas of American war ships. Our President has vowed to fundamentally change and "rebuild" this country and has misused and abused his power every way possible to destroy it from within. We are about to open the gates for the country that calls us the great Satan and sworn to eradicate us to have nuclear weapons. And and you're complaining about some stupidly insignificant bullshit. That is the liberal M.O.; shift focus to insignificant bullshit. Netanyahu showed his love for us because he spoke not just for his people but for democracy. I am reactionary because I interpret a situation and react to it. You are blindly following your political loyalties while they lead you off a cliff. Any American that takes a look at this administrations past work, current dealings, and future goals should be completely appalled.
This is just a rehash of right wing talking points. 11 million jobs since the financial crisis which the GOP gave us, and the economy slowly recovering desipte hte best efforts of the GOP to derail it. Affordable Care Act working better than even its proponents expected. How is this destroying hte country? Foreign policy is concededly more complicated, but we are hardly worse off than we were at the end of the Bush admin. So I don't see anything being destroyed there, either. And open the gates???? AYFKM? Iran has the ability to develop nuclear programs without any gates being opened. What f'ing gates are you talking about??? As for the process of deliberation in a democracy, the use for political purposes of the forum provided by the GOP with the intent of derailing the foreign policy of the US was not insignificant. It sets a precedent that is extremely unfortunate. And IT IS only the most recent example of GOP hypocrisy, since as I rightly pointed out you and the rest of the reactionaries would hardly have thought it appropriate to have some foreign leader lecture the Congress, the President and the American people when Bush was pushing us to go into Iraq. Process is important, and this was a huge mistake. Netanyahu loves his own political career. He has not offered any solutions, just using scare tactics like Dick Cheney. I see no evidence he loves America as the motivator of his actions. And no, I am not blind, so keep that personal insult to yourself.
He really didn't even say anything or offer any solutions...He has been wrong about Iran 6 times (getting the bomb) and was wrong about Iraq in 2002... But this time he will be super duper correct......8th time's the charm. And it looks like all of this waste of time was in the end a waste of time....The angry folks will keep on bitching and complaining (evidence is in this very thread) while the President will try to accomplish a deal with Iran and the world powers...Good work!
He basically said don't be a retard and sign this deal that's on the table because it gives Iran a quick Path to nuclear arms. I know it's a difficult concept to grasp and all but please try. Maybe you and big blocker can work together on this project.
All you've done is make blanket false statements without any details or explanation. You're just wrong. Those numbers are a farce. Anyone that knows anything about BLS calculations knows that they are fuzzy math bullshit. Labor participation has been 63% or lower for over a year. The last time it was that low was 1978. Truth is we are at record levels of unemployment. Blaming the GOP for the financial crisis is biased grandstanding. The US economy is a giant and it took many factors to cause the crisis. Bush is at fault for not cracking down on the securities market but moreso is Clinton for deregulations that enabled the sub-prime lending boom. Decade of deregulation, cheap credit, consumer greed, overzealous and illegal actions of home builders and lenders, scumbag hedge fund management, swollen banks, accounting scandal, back-loading loans, sub prime mortgages, cheap credit from the Chinese, incompetence of regulators, etc etc. This is what gave us the financial crisis. Just because more people signed up for Obamacare than you might have anticipated does not mean that it's working. It's a back room deal between the drug companies and the democrats. Subsidized healthcare is very bad because money doesn't just appear from nowhere, somebody is going to have to pay for it and that will be small business workers and the American taxpayer. Several states have lost tens of thousands of jobs because of this already, est. national losses in hundreds of thousands, ACA will cause wage loss of over 20 billions of dollars to small business workers, and the 3rd highest tax increase for the nation in 60 years. Not to mention that the federal subsidies are illegal and pending the Supreme Court the program might be repealed leaving millions without any coverage mid year. This details of this administrations complete foreign policy failure and continued destruction of American principles is just too insanely long for this post so for now I'll get back to the OP Iran has growing uranium stockpiles and 20,000 centrifuges which are used to enrich it. They are at a 20% enrichment level. 90% is the level needed for nuclear weapons. If this deal is signed they will have free reign to enrich their uranium at will and they will construct nuclear weapons. Netanyahu came here to warn us not to do something that will enable our enemies to easily gain nuclear capability. I don't give a fuck if that sets a bad precedent for forum etiquette or not.
More right wing talking points. You add nothing here. As for Iran, again I would like to see them not have any nuclear program. Nice thought. How to get there? Bibi's implicit message was teh only way to get to an acceptable place is regime change. He had no recommendations. Iran does not need a deal with us to advance their program. I dont know why you are being so thickheaded about that.
First you make a bunch of false statements without any supportive facts. Then when your statements are demolished you just say "talking points" and ignore it because it's not what you want to hear. Truth hurts. His message was don't give them a green light to advance their program. This deal is the equivalent of us going sure, fuck it, make them. If you don't want Iran to have any nuclear program than maybe you should be criticizing this administrations approach to that instead of worrying about whether their feelings are hurt.