He's a smarmy asshole, I honest to god hope there is no tape of Bryant not because I like him but because I hope some poor woman wasn't beaten and dragged out of her car and beaten again especially if she was pregnant. Guys like Florio and Shefter think they are bigger than the game and sadly because our instant gratification society we have made asshats like them celebrities and in demand. I like the days of crusty ugly puss bags like Bob Ryan who was so bitter and so ugly nobody wanted to see what his ugly grill.
Schefter wasnt really saying anything per my understanding. It was some radio host hammering him after seeing florios report, and he was apparently getting pissed he was asked and old them he had nothing. Apparently the sports media world is hammering florio over the way he handled it. I like Schedter, hes one of the few good sports reporters left. Most these guys are basocally bloggers workong for the media