Yeah it's actually black and blue. The people who are seeing it as white and gold are discounting the blue side, tricking them into seeing the wrong colors.
At first, I saw blue and black, a couple hours later I saw white gold. Now, if I look at the top, it's white gold, if I scroll down, it's blue black.
I think it has to do with the glare in the upper right of the picture and that's what's tricking the brain. I only see it as white/gold when I scroll down the page to it. It's always black/blue when I scroll up and see the bottom of the picture first.
Oh shit. I'm on my tablet right now i decided to shrink the orignal image slowly on the screen. Shrinking the image allowed me to see both colors. The smaller the pixel the bluer it got. Also tilting the screen shows the original color.
I saw this on the news last night, every reporter and anchor was asked the question and excitedly gave their answers. For some reason it reminded me of the excitement Dax Shepard gets when his favorite popular TV show "Ow My Balls!" comes on in Idiocracy.
I see White and Gold. I did so yesterday when daughter came down and showed it to us and every time I have looked since. 6 in our household and 3 saw White an Gold, 3 saw Blue and Black. All males saw white and gold - we are all generally calm, even keeled and unemotional All Females including the one who brought it to our attention saw Blue and Black and are as moody as women can be.
Between that, and left shark, Idk how anyone can ever make fun of my Jets tattoo which has actual meaning.. well except for banned biz. But that low life doesn't count obviously. ps. oh and black and blue duh clear as day
Are you talking about abyzmul? I don't know what he did to get banned or why you have such a hard on for him but it's pretty shitty that we lose a good poster like him while we're stuck with a bunch of obvious trolls. I'm not taking a swipe at the mods with this, just venting. I know they have a difficult, mostly thankless job and do the best they can.
I agree it does suck that he isn't around to make us all laugh at all the obvious trolls, but he changed at some point, and went off on a bunch of people unprovoked. That may have had something to do with it. I have no idea. Not sure how mentioning him once qualifies as having a hard on for him though. I wouldn't mind the old byz back to create some laughter around here, but the mods must have decided it was better off without him, and it's hard to argue with that. If he came back and talked football, that would be great imo, but I have doubts that's what would happen, since he essentially started becoming a troll himself for whatever reason. And back on topic, the dress is something to do with science, and background light I read. Alright well no more of this dress crap now hopefully. Hah