I have 3 kids, the oldest is 4. All are Jets fans by default right now. I figure as long as I show them the right path when they are old enough to choose a team they won't bring shame upon my family.
Unfortunately both of my kids are Jets fans. I tried to talk them out of it but they were in too deep by then.
My kids are very young (3 and 1.5). We live in MD and I'm not going to push any team on them. If they want to root for Redskins that is fine. If they want to root for Ravens, well, we'll argue about that one. If they end up like me, they'll root for the Jets because that is what their old man did.
Two boys 13 and 8. The oldest is a Jets/Yankee fan like me and the younger one likes the Falcons and Braves. We live in the Atlanta area and I didn't push either child to support a team in particular, but the Patriots and Red Sox would not be tolerated.
I tried to get my 9yr old to be a jets fan since he was born in 2006; jets jackets, pajamas, the whole nine yards--When he was 4 he became a pats fan. Cried himself to sleep at 5 when pats lost to giants in 2012. Don't know exactly how he realized the jets were a fucking nightmare to root for since they were ok during his developmental years. We were always scouting the enemy pats. I was kind of wracked with guilt about chaining him to nyj so I'm kind of happy about it. Laughs like hell while watching the jet games now. BTW, he liked Simms over Vick and Geno and thought it ridiculous they were starting over him. Loves the jets DL. "the nineties rock". Likes Ivory too.
I only have a brother but he doesn't watch sports. I think he's a Jets fan though, I took him to some of Mangini's practices. Also when he asks about the Jets he always asks "How are WE doing?" So I assume he's a Jets fan.
THISS! My boy is only 2 but he'll see pics of himself in Jets gear as a baby when he gets older, hopefully he makes me proud.
My son is only three but can spot a Kings logo from 500 feet. He isn't as interested in baseball or basketball but I got him Dodgers and Clippers jerseys anyways. He likes watching football and a UCLA jersey is one of the first things I ever bought him, after a Kings jersey, but for a pro team there is no reason for him to be a Jets fan since he's from LA. The team he roots for there will be up to him.
2 sons. 8.5 year old twins. Up until they started school they were leaning towards Jets but in their school tons of kids are Giant fans and they became Giant fans. I didn't really try hard but took them to the Jets draft party and a Jets game etc and they now root for both Giants and Jets but leaning towards Giants more.
My son 18 but not a sports fan. But he does make fun of me when the Jets lose. My daughter 14 and she a Cowboys fan.
My son is 5 and he's a Jet fan by default (sorry sport). But his mom is from Washington St. and is a lifelong Seahawks fan so he's got that going for him, which is nice.
Just adopted my step son this past week, his grandmother has fed him poison his 8 years of life and turned him into a broncos fan. Now its my job to poison him to the dark side so I can have someone to share my misery with while dressed in green.