ISIS is likely getting significant support from many sources, some of which are on a collision course or already in conflict with each other. What would turn into Al-Qaida in the 90's got aid from the US, the Gulf States, Pakistan and other more shadowy forces in the 80's. ISIS is probably getting aid from the Gulf States, Pakistan, the Russians (positioning themselves to land on their feet in Syria no matter what happens if not more directly involved) and Al-Qaida. If we go with the more shadowy forces option here we're straying into NWO territory.
It feels like a "managed" business where certain parties are 'authorized' to play in; enabling the manufacturing and distribution of military weapons, equipment and materials through a 'secondary market'. Someone knows exactly who is playing, and allows the play to go on without public exposure. But Putin's Russia is far more dangerous to western world
the five biggest arms manufacturers and suppliers in the world are the U.S., China, Russia, France and England. they're also the 5 permanent members of the U.N. Security Council as well. I find that awfully ironic. Even if ISIS has no money, some other form of supply will reach them from an enemy we either know or don't know about. but I don't think they're ever going to get real support in the way of heavy artillery. I don't buy into a lot of the overhyped fear on these buzzards that's all over the news and internet, they're quite squashable.
Oh come on. I know it's a long article, but you really should read it instead of whatever it is you're doing. ISIS declares itself a worldwide caliphate, and yet you'll still type something nonsensical like this, trying to divine some clinical motivation instead of just taking them at their word. In fairness to you, there are plenty of folks pulling a government paycheck and doing the same strange mental gymnastics.
ISIS isn't the first group to declare a Caliphate recently and they won't be the last. Small splinter groups break off of religious and civil orders all the time. That doesn't mean the religion is controlled or dominated by them. It just means that it's not possible to prevent splinter groups from breaking off and doing murderous things. Jim Jones wasn't a Christian when he killed all his followers and he wasn't speaking for Christianity and he wasn't an indicator that the Christian Faith was about to change in some horrible way. None of the weird little Christian sects that have broken off in the US over the years had anything meaningful to add to the discussion about whether Christianity was weird or not. They were weird, it's that simple. ISIS and Islam share nothing in common after the 9th century or so. Neither did the Taliban and Islam. Both were just murderous groups intent on enforcing their version of Islamic rule over the limited areas they could control. Linking ISIS and Islam is like linking Jim Jones and The People's Temple and Christianity.
Jeezus. I guess suggesting that you read the article in order to discuss it intelligently is, at this point, just folly. Any comparison between ISIS and Jim Jones is beyond reaching. I shouldn't need to do this, but I'll point out the obvious - that Jones didn't lead his followers to mass suicide under any theory of Christianity; while members of ISIS kill in strict adherence to the text of the Koran. Again, per the article that you refuse to read or discuss on point. Look, I'm not trying to be mean here by highlighting nonsense. I'm just trying to take you at your word - that we review a few of what must be tens of thousands of thoughtful articles that support your view that the article is flawed. Instead of just waving a hand, declaring all of ISIS psychopaths and pretending that what they do has no connection with their religion and wringing our hands and wondering why they like to lop off heads.
Again, the fact that ISIS is using 9th century practices to kill it's captives doesn't mean anything in terms of Islam in the 21st century. The fact that violent Islamic groups exist is unfortunate, but like the KKK didn't speak for all Christians ISIS and the Taliban and Al-Qaida don't speak for all Muslims. The hate groups in the west that are determined to make all Muslims evil by branding them as ISIS or Taliban or Al-Qaida are just that: hate groups.
Of course it does. President Al-Sissi stood in front of a room full of clerics and courageously said as much. Those who know this and trip all over themselves trying to ignore it are either sympathizers or just plain simps. This is an idiotic strawman argument - with the typical apologist's twist of "Christians have done bad shit too." There are no hate groups "making all Muslims evil by branding them ISIS, etc..." But, there are certainly those willing to acknowledge that it is the height of lunacy for Western non-Muslims to keep repeating the argument that "this isn't Islam" or calling their beliefs a "distorted view of Islam," when there are plenty of clerics out there preaching otherwise. And plenty of other influential clerics and scholars who are just plain silent on the whole thing and need to be more vocal. Which was Al-Sissi's point. In the end, if your delicate sensibilities won't allow you a clear and honest view, that's fine. But you're wasting time, is all. Recognizing that the "I" in ISIS doesn't stand for "ice cream" is the first step toward recovery.
There's still reading involved for you, but this is an abridged version of a gentleman who disagrees with you. And our president.
BWAY: How can you say that you know better what Islam is than those who can trace their lineage back 20+ generations?
U.S. Official: American Forces May Help Iraq Retake Mosul Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
In their latest video ( watching CNN) they are in what looks to be brand new Chevy vehicles and about 20 new, clean white GMC trucks. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
I have no doubt that they're receiving assistance from some rich Sunnis, maybe some Saudi princes. But they looted, essentially without a shot, a brand-new, never used weapons cache that we provided for the entire Iraqi army when we left. Those are high quality munitions (and ammo) that will last a long time.
What ISIS really wants is to go head to head with American ground troops. They keep doing the most outlandish acts of terror to that very end. They want to drag America back into the middle east cesspool on the ground so they can shed American blood and if they get lucky, get to burn an American soldier alive on the internet. Obama won't give that to them but the next President will.
This I completely agree with. Whoever is backing ISIS is doing that to keep the US entangled with boots on the ground in the Middle East until we get to our Vietnam moment and realize it's not worth the trouble. They want to defeat the US or keep us entangled and hemorrhaging people and treasure until we can't continue.
Saying ISIS represents all of Islam is like saying Fred Phelps represents all of Christianity. It's super retarded. As far as what ISIS wants: Putin's Russia is the real concern today Economically they will get hammered but they have the resources to create major devestation and re draw western boarders.
I really think we are our own biggest problem today. Empire is an expensive proposition and the bill is going to come due when we can least afford it.