Do you dispute anything I just said? The problem with the current conflict is it will just simmer forever with people making money off of it in the process and no incentives for anybody to break it off. It makes the Vietnam War look like a picnic in the park by comparison.
Thanks for this reality check.... but hey at least we don't have to worry about Libya anymore.... oh wait even more fucked up now without Qaddafi. If you really want to know the next time bomb ready to explode.... it's here and when it does it could make Syria look like a walk in the park.
Yes, all of North Africa is ticking but secondary right now. The Maghreb is the northern coast of Africa west of Egypt and all the way to the Atlantic. It doesn't include the Sudan and Ethiopia, both of which are very unstable at this point as well. We can't control this shit. We can't even come close. Trying to control it at the level that we do causes more problems than it solves because other countries and interests that should be intervening and trying to fix things step back and let it be our problem to fix.
Sitting back and letting someone else deal with it may work out very well here. The King of Jordan is fucking pissed, and kind of a badass.
Boko Haram is now in Chad and Niger as well as Cameroon but unlike the useless Nigerian government Chad is crushing them in the pockets they are popping up. Niger killed over 100 of them over the weekend. That might work with Jordan and the UAE but not every place has the resources those places have, Libya is a complete clusterfuck of a clusterfuck, we shouldn't have been so quick to dispose of Qaddafi and that should be a lesson as to why we should be helping Assad.
Jordan is taking action now for two reasons: first, the ruling elite woke up to the fact that they're next on the hit parade. Second, the US has given Jordan a lot of military assistance recently and it behooves them to use it if they want more. If you're in the NWO conspiracy faction you might even think that ISIS burned the pilot to death on video to force Jordan into action. The main question I have at this point is who is behind ISIS? In order of probability in my opinion: 1. Al-Qaida. 2. Disgruntled Iraqi/Syrian Sunni's disenfranchised in Iraq and empowered by the weakening of the Syrian regime. 3. The Russians (paying the US back for Al-Qaida in Afghanistan in the 80's). 4. The Gulf States including Saudi Arabia, as a counterbalance against Iran/Iraq. 5. The US.
He is totally relevant! Just today he's saying ISIS is on the defensive and going to lose yet he's done nothing but open the door for them to wreak havoc. Barack Saddam Husein Osama is a Muslim with radical views, he has more in common with ISIS ideology than he does with American ones. His past speeches and associates, and current (non-)actions make this clear. He's relevant because he has and continues to make us so weak internationally that it created, likely on purpose, a vacuum for fucks like ISIS to run free. We are living in the decadence of a decaying Rome ruled by an insane person while barbarians destroy the world.
Barack Handsome Obama is doing a pretty good job despite the opposition he's faced from repubs since day one. Remember, we could of had McCain and (gasp) Sarah Palin running the show. Imagine if that would of happened. Scary stuff. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
As opposed to living in a world where an uninformed President carrying a grudge knocks down the walls in the Middle East at the same time he's trying to fight a land war in Asia? Then picks a guy to run Iraq who is going to marginalize a heavily-armed quarter of the population while making alliances with Iran? A guy who hugs the Russians like a security blanket in some kind of naive fit of optimistic diplomacy while repeatedly spitting on the Iranians? When Presidents drill down they usually cause catastrophes. Reagan gave us Al-Qaida. Bush set the stage for ISIS. The other guys were part of the problem too but it's the guys who think they can change the world who usually wind up doing that and not for the better.
Ironic you would say that considering Obama is so uninformed that he's trying to justify ISIS by blaming the Catholic Church for things they didn't even do a thousand years ago. Ironic considering he set the stage for ISIS by creating a power vacuum in Iraq. Ironic that you act like you're some beacon of reason when a decade later you still need to blame Bush for everything. I'm really ready to drop a bomb of some kind that decimates their region
Like I said earlier.. Level Raqqa first. Then destroy every town ISIS has a hold in. In the meantime, get in Turkey's ass and let them know in no uncertain terms that they can't keep playing both sides of the fence. Either they're with us or not and if not, they can take a fckn hike from NATO on the next thing smokin.
I am still looking for one American President who will put Turkey in its place. Turkey denies Armenian Genocide which is a fact denied by Turkish authorities. Turkey is a safe heaven for ISIS fighters. Turkey has oppressed Kurds and tortured anyone who went against them. Turkey is the passage for drug travel between Afghanistan and Europe. Yet, Turkish leaders have always been pampered by American presidents. I thought Obama had some balls but turns out he is no different than any other president. Yea Grandpa. Time for USA to call out Turkey. Will Obama do it? I don't think so but I sure hope so. Turkey is a two faced fuck who has to pay the price.
ISIS vid production is crazy. Here's link to the Egyptian Christian beheadings. NSFW, obviously.