I would never lick an asshole, but you can guarantee if I did she's getting fucked in that asshole immediately afterwards. Hard and spiteful.
You're only kidding until she says yes. Williams is a lying piece of shit. He lied, was called out on it, then lied again. You don't miss remember about being shot down in a helicopter.
No, he's really not. I always thought he was a self absorbed douche to begin with..... this solidifies it. carry on with sphincter slurping discussion..........
Maybe Hillary should tap him as her running mate, that is once she's finished with her latest 'no questions allowed' "Listening Tour" and announces her candidacy given that she ran that same lie. But being celebrity 'Hillary,' that was quickly brushed aside and forgotten… Give 'em the Wu!!
I'm thinking that at this point with new lies being exposed like New Orleans and a stick-up he claimed to be a victim of, NBC has got to kick him to the curb to gain the "we love him but our journalistic standards are so high we are left no choice". Which of course is utter BS.
That has to be photoshopped. I was there that day and I can tell you, definitively, that Brian Williams was not. I remember Lincoln making a joke about how the amenities in the tents were better than the white house's and I am positive Brian Williams wasn't there to share a laugh
Jesus Christ give him a break. So what if he lied about being shot down.... Hell, Obama lied about being a U.S. citizen, we haven't impeached him. Let the talking head read the news. No one watches network news anyway. It is like the Public Access channel.