Lol kidding but this is pretty cool. Apparently 50 years ago Harper Lee wrote a novel called "Go Set a Watchman" about an adult woman nicknamed Scout and her father lawyer Atticus Finch. Her editor was so taken by the flashbacks to Scout's youth that the editor convinced her to write a prequel about Scout as a young girl. To Kill a Mockingbird sold a gagillion copies and became an iconic piece of American literature. "Go Set a Watchman" was set aside and never published. Recently Lee's friend and lawyer found the manuscript of Watchman and gave it to Lee who shared it with some friends and all felt it was worthy of being published. It will be released shortly untouched, with no edits as originally written. And it is unlikely that Lee, now 88, will do any interviews or appearances to promote the book. Pretty fascinating story, can't wait to read the book. _
I believe Harper is in a home and may not be in the best condition for approving such thing.Her sister who looked after her affairs passed away 3months ago.I am bit skeptical about this
I'm definitely stoked to read this, but I really wonder if this is such a good idea. When you've been such a massive one hit wonder for so many decades, what do you gain by going back to the well.
I think the fact that she actually wrote this before Mockingbird is what's really intriguing to me. It's not as if she trying to cash in on her celebrity by writing a sequel now. Valley's of Neptune as it were. _
Meh, we'll see. If its anything akin to Pete Townshend putting his demos out there, its going to be a mistake.
There are reports the sister viewed Watchman as an inferior product that would do nothing for Lee's career, she really didn't have one after Mockingbird. She may not have been considering their pocketbooks. Haven't seen any advance reviews; for now, the jury is out.