Crazy Jets fans with foul mouths buying little kids toys. And afraid to tell their wives. You've gotta love it!
I thought the same thing. She was very cool in the sense that she made it about Joe causing himself national embarrassment vs. her being harassed.
She isn't an uptight person looking for an excuse to come down on someone. She accepted his apology and then said she had a 45 min phone conversation afterwards with him. She said she always thought he was a nice guy.
If I collected dolls I would, I love Joe and appreciate what he did- that doesn't mean I cannot talk realistically about him.
No, I've always hated Sapp. This is only my third--Chad and Chrebet being the others. This will complete my collection of my all-time favorite Jets ever. That pose of Namath was one of my first memories of the man. Wish I could get a Donn Clendenon. I also have a marble Pieta and a David that I bought in Italy. Are those ok? _
That's Buddy Ryan right behind Weeb. He was always right around Weeb. I think Buddy's role was bigger than his title. I think he was Special Teams Coach