Football Manufacturer Calls Bellicheck's Theory "Bullshit"

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Falco21, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    A football field is what? 53 yards wide? Is it possible to have a significant enough temperature gradation in 159 feet for one set of balls to lose two pounds of pressure and the other maintain regulation inflation? Please explain.

    Extra credit - Justify or even attempt to rationalize your presence here.
  2. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    And a laboratory experiment to prove this would have a control, right?
    Like another set of balls exposed to the same conditions, correct?
    No further question. Thank you.
    TNJet likes this.
  3. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    I have no idea what is currently known about the Colts' footballs, and I don't trust anything that has been reported unless it has also been confirmed by the NFL, since much of that information has already been proven to be false. Is there a reliable source that says the Colts' balls were inflated to a similar pressure while at a similar temperature, then were later measured under similar conditions as having different pressures? Since there are conflicting reports about the pressure of the Patriots' balls, I doubt there is any reliable information on the Colts. You are welcome to prove me wrong though.

    Extra Credit: I'm here simply for entertainment. My interactions with other people here are often amusing and occasionally informative. Do you or other people have some greater purpose for visiting this board?
    #43 gopats88, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2015
  4. Geno007

    Geno007 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    Your right but there not one person out there using common sense can say nothing going on. It starts with Brady if all this is true there no way around that.
  5. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Duplicate. Please see below.
    #45 Ralebird, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2015
  6. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Well, to paraphrase something I heard this week, I'm embarrassed to admit how much time I have spent this week researching football inflation when I have other, more important things to be doing. I spent so much time because I was trying to make it easy for you by quoting or the Boston Globe, but surprise, surprise, I could not find a single article in either place that reported what ESPN, CBS, ABC, NBC as well as virtually every other major newspaper in the country reported.

    Here's one from the New York Times:

    "If true, this would suggest that the balls were doctored before game time, intentionally or otherwise. The balls could also have been subject to a change in temperature that would have caused the air pressure in the ball to decrease on its own, although that would not explain why the balls provided by the Colts as well as the backup game balls did not lose an equivalent amount of air pressure.

    “The balls were evaluated at halftime and the only reason you do that is there is some concern,” said Tim Hasselbeck, a former N.F.L. quarterback who was a ball boy for the Patriots during high school. “If the balls were O.K. before the game but not by halftime, and it was only New England’s balls that were suspect, then obviously something happened to the balls between the initial inspection and the second half.”

    I believe it is also very pertinent to note that there has not been a single report anywhere that the NFL is investigating the Colts as well as the Patriots.

    And the answer to your ending question is "Yes, we are Jets fans."
  7. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Dude, nobody even questions this if your team didn't have a long history of cheating. Humble pie now being served.
  8. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    Notice how the very first phrase in that segment you posted is "If true...". That's what journalists do to protect themselves from the possibility of looking bad when their information proves inaccurate. Journalists these days make a living recycling each other's rumors and made up stories. It's just what they do.
  9. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    So...are you advocating that journalist either make a stand and just state things as facts when they haven't been proven to be facts or that they just never report on anything that is in progress? It's got to be one or the other.

    For the record they do it to protect themselves from defamation/slander/libel and whatever other lawsuits they could face by saying something is true without evidence, not so they don't "look bad." For the same way they refer to another Patriots scandal, Aaron Hernandez, as being "alleged" to have committing murder. They can't just say "he mudered them" or say nothing at all.
  10. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    I don't really care about what journalists do. I just wish that people would be realistic about the veracity of unconfirmed reports, especially when the story that we hear from the press is changing so frequently and so much information is swirling around, with much of it contradicting each other.

    I made a simple statement that I can't say for sure what happened because the actual reliable information out there is so limited and spotty. People keep on responding, saying "yeah, but how can the patriots possibly be innocent if such and such happened". The point is that we don't know for sure that such and such DID happen (balls being 2 psi below vs. only 1 psi, colts balls starting at same conditions and ending at different ones, officials being tipped to this issue before the game, etc) . Every one of those pieces of information that I just listed has been followed up with another report from a different source that says otherwise.
    #50 gopats88, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2015
  11. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    the league is probably just doing this investigation during the lead up to the superbowl for shits and giggles.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    24 balls were delivered to the officials before the game began. At least 11 of the 12 the Pats used were found to be well under-pressure. None of the balls the Colts used were in that condition.

    We have a couple of options to consider here. First, this could just be totally random. Somehow 11 of the 24 balls were well under-pressure and all 11 happened to go to the Pats. Second, the Pats cheated.

    Guess which one of those two options is plausible and which one belongs in the realm of fantasy?
  13. Charlie Kelly

    Charlie Kelly Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    No the NFL is just doing this to get out of their contract with Wilson who appear to be providing a consistently inconsistent product. It's the football's fault now.
  14. JetFanInPA

    JetFanInPA Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Can someone then explain how all of the colts balls were properly inflated and all of the Pats balls weren't?
  15. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    "well under pressure" is an intentionally vague term that you are using because you don't actually know how far under the limit they were or whether that change can be explained by natural causes, but it doesn't sound good for you to admit that.

    Isn't it also possible that the Colts balls started at a higher pressure (e.g. exactly 1 psi higher, which would explain why the Patriots balls were 1 psi below the limit and the Colts balls were legal throughout)? I've repeatedly asked "Has anyone actually reported the specifics of what is known about the Colt's balls?" and have yet to receive any actual information, which tells me that the answer is probably no. Essentially we know nothing about that topic. People keep on bringing the possibility of different starting pressures up, yet Jets fans here seem to favor the plug your ears with your fingers and shout "na na na na I can't hear you!" strategy when it comes to responding to actual doubt or critical thinking whenever it doesn't suit their agenda.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Jets fans favor the Cheatriots being held to account for their cheating. At least that's my position.
  17. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I place a 100 dollar bill in the middle of an intersection and in one corner is Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny in the other, a Pats ball boy with 12 properly inflated balls in the 3rd and a Pats ball with 11 doctored footballs purposely under inflated in the last corner. Who will get the 100 dollar bill?

    The Pats ball boy with the doctored footballs of course because the other 3 are figments of our fucking imaginations.
    BrowningNagle, NY Jets68 and Br4d like this.
  18. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    Here are some examples of your posts in the past:

    What I get from this is that when Mehta uses anonymous sources to write scathing articles against the Jets, the information, from your perspective, is completely unreliable and sometimes intentionally incendiary and outright untruthful.

    Apparently, though, when the media uses anonymous sources to make accusations against the Patriots and hype up a possible scandal, every tidbit of information that every Schefter-wannabe posts to his twitter account should be taken as gospel. Right?

  19. Testaverde

    Testaverde Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    The problem is even in the 1 report you hold on to that states that the majority of the NE footballs were only around 1PSI under, even they say that there was at least 1 ball 2PSI under the league limit. That is a big problem that can't be explained away by natural drop in PSI becasue the Colts footballs would be in violation as well. The max starting pressure is 13.5. The minimum is 12.5. NE used a ball that was 2PSI under. Even with the Colts inflating to the max at 13.5PSI, they would have been under as well.
  20. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest

    The only hypocrite around here is GoPats88 for trying to continually defend the Patriots despite the absurdity of the lies.
    I would encourage you to seek employment with a 3rd world dictatorship's ministry of propaganda so that your talents may be truly utilized.

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