Jay's House of Weather 'n Stuff

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by jaywayne12, Dec 25, 2010.

  1. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Well still awake ,,,,snowing out but never got heavy ,,,,,,,,maybe it will after I nod off,,,,,,sure wish this thing had not moved east,,,,,,,Jay is it time to focus on the next storm ?
  2. JetsHuskers fan

    JetsHuskers fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    This might be a bigger bust than March 2001
  3. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    Im just laughing right now. Im looking out my window and it appears to have stopped. Probably 2 to 3 inches on the ground.

    But anyway if I had someone that would join I would of def. like to tour the empty streets of the city right now.

    Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk

    IBLEEDGREEN17 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Yup, snow has stopped again on the west side... What a joke this was.
  5. JetsHuskers fan

    JetsHuskers fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    Hey it happens. Kinda amazing how the last time this happened was in March of 2001. I mean there have been so many storms in the last 5 years that found have done this. I guess our luck ran out this time. And you learn from mistakes like this to better yourself in the future.

    Hopefully the public will understand, but I doubt they will.
  6. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Too bad this thing moved east,,long island is getting pounded,,,,,,,,
  7. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Not sure if you are talking about weather people in general? Or me..lol...but for the record..except my family of friends in this thread...you say hopefully the general public will understand? JHF...I swear to God I truly could give 2 craps. I do the nice thing and apologize but deep down...only the guys in this room like CBG who loves the stuff..or if Jonnnyd is taking a trip and I mess him up....Brook or fjf with their work. That bothers me. The general public? lol..no offense...i could care less. If they dont get its weather and shit happens? Im ok Jose.

    You are talking about miller b storms. There are many in-between March of 2001 and today that this has happened. Too many. The problem with Miller B storms is anytime you are counting on one storm to hand off its energy to another storm...so much has to go right down here that it boggles the mind how pros ( i cant believe the weather channel will get credit for being right because the reasons why this would not happen had nothing to do with why it failed!) do not emphasize how difficult yet very possible it is to happen. The success rate for MILLER B storms up in New England increase dramatically. Because of the location of the NEW center of low pressure, New England has time for it to get its act together and conform. The only thing I can pat myself on the back for is from the beginning...I stated my hatred for these setups..but still went with it so that means crap.

    Now, with that said, if you go back to the top 10 storms of all time for the Mid-Atlantic and New England, 7 of them were Miller B setups. Many red flags appeared as we got closer but when you start going from 40 inches to even 24-36, many including myself tried to make sense of it saying wow..those are still huge numbers...but in reality 16 inches of snow were being taken off a run...lol.

    Last year we had several Miller B setups and it got to the point that every time one would be projected during a model run, CBG got so good at it he would ask "Jay...is this a Miller B setup?" I will copy and paste from my website in the section different types of winter storms, something that I tend to forget myself.

    • This setup is sometimes a disaster for weather people to predict. A secondary storm that is modeled to form off the Delmarva and bring a foot of snow to points north of Central N.J. to Boston DOES NOT..but forms 50 or 100 miles further out to sea..and also centers just off central Jersey. In a second, when pressures start to fall 100 miles north then thought, areas lets say in North jersey that were predicted to receive a foot of snow are now lowered to 1 to 3 inches…and many friends are lost..school children using four letter words..neighbors who love you..very fond of you..see you at the local Foodtown and say “yes..the vacation was great….we all had umbrellas”…it gets nasty.
    • My hatred for Miller B storms
    yet the moron in me still bites every time because one of my favorite storms of all time was the great blizzard of 78..a miller b..and so many more.

    ANYWAY...the future models are littered with more storms..I mean littered. We have a small disturbance this Thursday/Friday that could give us several inches before the models give us a huge storm Feb 2/3.

    You would think after this we stay quiet???? F that..we move on. Very sorry if the predictions screwed up plans guys...and the one thing Im happy about is that the Ranger/Islander games..which I told everyone 100 percent would be canceled....will be played. Again..sorry folks...we live...learn...and remind me every storm and ask..IS IT A MILLER B????
    #8467 jaywayne12, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2015
    BrowningNagle, Brook! and FJF like this.
  8. RPOZ51

    RPOZ51 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    Just took a look outside.

    Nothing coming down, and maybe 2 inches accumulation over what I shoveled at 6 PM yesterday.

    Dodged a bullet, but transit is shut down, so no going to work today. Need to burn a PTO.
  9. Marshall76

    Marshall76 Member

    Dec 30, 2013
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    Can confirm boston area is a nightmare. I work nights, the wind and snow is unreal. When I got home, the snow drift against my door had to be 5 ft high.
  10. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Don't apologize. I prefer the bust over the boom, the lights over the dark, less snow and disruption, etc.
  11. RPOZ51

    RPOZ51 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    Just saw on the news that metro area travel bans are being lifted.

    Of course it will take a while to get everything up and running.
  12. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    Complete bust up in the h.v. got more snow last saturday. All good though. didn't need it now anyway. Quick clean up and the perfect amount on the ground for some sledding this weekend.
  13. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    Long island and boston disagree with you.
  14. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Hey Jay

    We know you man. You are not the type who hypes up big storms etc. You tell things as it is. Thanks to you, I changed my flights 3 times in the past 2-3 years and saved myself the headache of being stranded at the airport. You just come here and inform folks with your best knowledge. Who care if it is a bust this time. You predicted the storm correctly but it hit Long Island and Boston area. Big deal. Keep doing what you are doing man. Keep us informed. Show must go on. :)
    BrowningNagle and FJF like this.
  15. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Thanks JWWS and BROOK....I have changed my mind...you guys should be thanking me for overdoing it. Listen..talk about the best of both worlds!!!

    TRAVEL BAN? Every business I drove by was closed just now...except gas stations. Soo....most are off from work and you have a little snow to shovel.

    Your welcome!! LOL..too funny.
    Brook! and FJF like this.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The storm didn't bust here but it's not the monster we were prepared for. Maybe 6 to 8 inches on the ground now with another 4 to 6 today. The storm is still being upsold but I'm guessing we wind up with 10 inches or so tops. Might get a foot. It's a lazy blizzard and for that I am grateful.
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Connecticut had a total travel ban from 9PM on last night. Only emergency vehicles and responders. Probably saved some lives because the roads don't look too good and they looked worse at 1am last night.

    I lived through nearly a week of no power a few years ago when an elderly couple hit a light post near the sub base in Groton. Poor people were killed in the crash and we had no power forever until they'd fixed all the cascading failures the crash caused.
  18. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    So weird.driving home at ten last nite it looked like it was about to hit hard. Turned out the lites at midnight thinking i would wake up to big snow. Nothing ever came of it. Seems like its been snowing for 12 hours straight with no accumulation.
  19. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    That's what I told my kids who were disappointed. I said look guys, did you get your snow day from school? Yes, will you still enjoy the snow outside? Yea. So then be happy right? :)
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The point I realized this wasn't going to be snowmageddon was about 1PM yesterday when I was out stocking supplies. It had been lightly snowing all morning and the roads were already a bit of an issue. Then I went into a local shop for an hour and when I looked out the window I realized it had stopped snowing completely. Nothing was coming down at all. The snow didn't start back up until about 5PM and it was slow and steady at that point not heavy. The high winds never materialized here. Forecast said 25MPH but I hear that kind of wind on the roof when it happens and it never happened.

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