It's so bad. I can tell his delivery is a little better at least. I can only say that though because he had nowhere to go but up. He is still god awful. The Rock didn't take breaks with his wording. Everything was on the spot, magical charisma. It was, and is just him. No amount of practice is ever going to get Roman even close to that level. So...hopefully they don't blow the rumble AGAIN. Last I read, he was still the plan though, so...yep..
No I know that, I was pointing out how they are related. The Rock was a transcendent superstar, I doubt Reigns will ever get to that level. I don't see anyone on the roster who ever will.
Best line ever was Jesse The Body Ventura talking about JYD's singing.... "it sounded like he had a mouth full of grits spewing on the microphone"
It is interesting how successful the members of THE SHIELD are doing right now. Reigns is looking to be the next superstar of WWE, Ambrose has become a fan favorite who could rival Reigns in popularity and Rollins is becoming a top heel and getting better at it night in and night out.
pretty good Raw tonight...obviously these guys today lack the charisma of these legends...Its more important to have that mic work and charisma then in ring talent. But that ending was great...Always good to see Brock go beast...Oh and Stinger came out. That was awesome
I figured I'd be spoiling the show by opening this thread, but whatever. I'm glad it was a good show. I can't wait to watch it. ( I always watch it after work on Monday) I'm anxious to see all my childhood favorites.
All good. It's my fault for opening. Then right after I got a notification from their app about Sting being there, so it was bound to happen. I read the dirt sheets too so..yep. Going to watch it now, actually excited for once.
Raw was pretty good last night, nice seeing the NWO and others,,, wish the rowdy one had been there but I stray.
What did he do to switch? Seemed the same to me. By the way, terrible PPV. Just bad writing. Whoever orchestrated the actual Rumble match did a terrible job.
I just meant how the stars were handled. The wasting of Daniel Bryan, Ryback, Dolph Ziggler, Damien Mizdow, Dean Ambrose etc. Leaving Big Show and Kane in the Final 3 even though you know they had no way in hell of winning. Having Reigns do almost nothing the whole match then winning. The odd thing with Curtis Axel where he never actually got to the ring so technically was never eliminated. Having Bray Wyatt do all that stuff then randomly thrown out like a rag doll. Just poorly executed all the way around in my opinion.