New record today in hits on site. Yesterday was 3rd best and Tuesday was first best now second best. Wish this would have been an easier friggin life goes on.
If you go totally by the latest NAM and its tough to swallow its a really quick hit starts around 1am and ends before 11am Saturday..some models have it over by 9am. Again..thats a big change. Lets see what the GFS says.
CBG..sorry..thought I answered your question but totally agree with FJF...the storm should be over close to noon on Saturday..and the Sunday flight should be in before the next storm starts.
Local guys say 2 - 4. North n West and 2 inches along the coast,,,,that was ch 2. What the latest weather guru ?
I know the focus is on these two snowstorms in the next few days. But I just noticed there's forecasts saying we are in for an extended cold snap, perhaps lasting into early March. WTF? It's already been below average temps for January. Lucky I guess that home heating oil is cheaper this year.
nice pick up BB...HUGE COLD FRONT AFTER THE SECOND STORM...coldest temps in several years sir. Will update and site and models but a quick look is this..if you stay all snow, 6 to 9....and if you are predicted for less..its not because your away from the storm but because mixing issues with sleet and freezing rain. This storm will be a true mess for many.
Dont get the pills yet BB...I wouldnt lock into that yet...but yeah...more cold shots coming in the next 6 weeks sir.
ok....about to flood the site with stuff. Remember...if this was snow for everyone, it would be a piece of cake prediction. Just say 6 to 10 inches and be done with it. If you get 9 or 10? Its all snow by you..if you get get some mixing...if you get 2? That means you start as snow and within several hours you change to sleet and freezing rain...but liquid precip is almost the same for all. Hope that makes sense.