How can they possibly let Belichick prepare for and coach in this Super Bowl? he's a known cheater, and they have confirmation he cheated in these very playoffs. most likely in BOTH games..
Yeah but without letting us the fans know about it. It more than likely would have been swept under the rug with to no consequences to the cheating "bastids". It would be like letting the fox into the hen house to count the chickens.
Strange that NFL's page has only 2 references to deflate gate and one is Luck saying it's being blown out of proportion and the other Brandon Browner laughing it off.
If fans want the proof punishment for the cheaters voicing your opinion hear is not enough. Email the nfl, tweet to the world about it. Force the NFL to take the correct action.
Yeah, the NFL has no incentive at all to downplay this. Kind of like the same lack of incentive to destroy evidence.
I think the best part of this is that prior to this nonsense I was concerned the Pats would possibly win a legit ring. Remember kids. Winners never cheat and cheaters never win.
Not true. On both of their plaques, in the very first paragraph, the cheating scandals will be mentioned. When the book is written, it will be on the first page. America doesn't forget this stuff. Electronic information lasts forever. This IS their legacy. If you think 40 years from now my then 60 year old son will have forgotten this, you are mistaken. _
Email I sent to NFL. " Why is the NFL downplaying NE Patriots cheating. Enough is enough. I will refuse to purchase any NFL products Until such time that strong sanctions are taken. I will also send this outrage to all my friends and acquaintances. Thank U Contact them through