Holy fuck. Unanimous perception amongst the league, the owners, the GMs that this franchise is a serial cheating franchise and these masshole trolls are trying convince us that the rest of America fandom doesn't believe their legacy isn't in the shitter? _
They put the bounty up to motivate their players to play above their ability. Remember, those defenses were trash and the Saint's staff was trying radical things to get their players elevated. It's almost like Amsterdam in The Wire. As for New England, their arrogant and blatant disregard for the rules, on top of their historical success is ultimately what has everyone piling on at this point. How are these blue collar "loop hole" exploits different than PED use by players?
Ladies and gentlemen, it was only a matter of time before this piece of shit franchise gift wrapped this hatred for us. Goodbye Revis and goodbye every other free agent on that team. This is the beginning of the end for New England
Don Shula was recently asked about his thoughts on Bill Belichick....... Shula responded : "Bill Belicheat?"
I am loving this right now, as a Dolphin fan. I am sure you Jets fans are too. We can be united (for now) in our joy at FINALLY seeing those CHEATING BASTARDS go down in flames. Roger Goddell needs to suspend Brady and Belicheat for the SB
I'll tell you one thing, I'm not loving this one bit. It's a complete mockery of the game I love. Yes being a Jets fan, I "hate" the Patriots but I love the game more. If this is proven to be true there better be severe penalties and not just for Belicheck, should be for Brady and the organization that employs them as well.
Personal relationship with the referees? Wouldn't this be a whole other can of worms? Who can prove the balls were "checked correctly"? The league already weighed in and said the balls were specced properly before the game. That is as deep as they will be willing to go in terms of their quality control protocols. As much as the Patriots want to turn the spotlight on the ball quality control, the league will not allow it because the Patriots are not bigger than the league and most certainly are not above the law.
Kraft doesn't have Disney money. If espn wanted to kill them they would. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
By this logic watergate should've never been investigated. I mean Nixon was gonna win regardless, right? I found that interesting that you use exactly same excuses as the Pats fans.
Slobber slobber......"you see Tom Brady is a guy, a guy who... you see the ball is bigger than his hands..you have a guy who wants to make it easier to grip." Slobber break "So Tom pulls out a needle WHOOP!...and sticks it right in there. WHOOP! And what you have is an illegal act!" "Let's see what Brett Favre thinks about this. Where's my turducken leg???"..."
The Jay Glazer video is pretty bad for the Pats if he has the pulse of the league and is on point. It is intent not impact of the game. Especially with the past pushing of the rules. The Glazer talking about the double standard within the league is interesting. I wonder if we hear all the things people threw out during Spygate (QB to HC headset problems) again because as Glazer said this is a time for anyone who wants to leak suspicions to leak them. Very interesting, Glazer usually has a good feel for the NFL and what's going on and this actually surprised. I actually thought many teams/insdiers were brushing this off, not they have the same double standard opinion fans have.
The Saints, Adrian Peterson, and many others got pimp smacked by the hand of God. Meanwhile, the Patriots intentionally CHEAT to win games, something those other guys didn't do, and yet the Patriots never suffered penalties like those guys.
While they are at it they should maybe look into those Microsoft surface tablets. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk