We need a number 1 Cornerback

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Rockinz, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    If you're going to bring in Marlon, I don't see how you leave Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Michael off the roster.

    Unless of course you were talking about Marlin Jackson, who I'm pretty sure is retired from the NFL.
    legler82 likes this.
  2. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I tend to disagree with your take on things. For example if you think OL has been more of a problem for the offense than Qb play, you are either related to Smith or don't understand the game.

    This is a qb driven league. If the Jets do not field competent Cb's, they would have to have an above average O to play even against the schedule. Cb is in need of substantial attention.
  3. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    It is and and not or.

    We could make OL or the secondary awesome and still lose most of our games.

    Since we need to fix both we should take at least one of each in free agency so that we have flexibility to take BAP in the draft without passing on a need.
  4. Clark Gaines

    Clark Gaines Banned

    Aug 29, 2005
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    Well thanks for the assessment. But let me make sure I understand you: I either am related to Smith or don't understand the game because I believe strongly that the 31st ranked OL is not a significant contributor to the poor offensive play and has been for over four years now? Perhaps, instead, it is YOU who don't understand what helps a QB play well most: an effective OL. That's what enables a QB to do well. And, we've seen it: when the OL has played well, generally the Jets have played well. And when they haven't, we've seen "the butt fumble" and seen where our QBs have either done decently on other teams or seen where QBs who have done decently on other teams fail miserably on ours.

    An effective OL and quality QB play go hand in hand. You need to understand that first and foremost before you go denigrating my understanding of the game.
  5. Clark Gaines

    Clark Gaines Banned

    Aug 29, 2005
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    I like this notion. Giacomini has the body for an OG. Import some talent via FA and draft someone who can actually play to develop. In other words, employ the strategy of Idzik/Tannenbaum only draft actual talent to implement it.
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    First of all I don't know where you get 31st from. OL stats are rather complicated to interpret, but I am not aware off hand which competent site would have ranked the Jets OL anywhere near that bad. PFF, for example, ranks the Jets OL 13th, with first being the best. Take a gander:


    That's 8th in pass blocking, and 19th in run blocking. In short a far cry from 31st.

    nfl.com does not provide an overall ranking for OL. But you can look at their stats and view them a few different ways. None of them come close to ranking them 31st, though. Here's their link:


    Since I've provided two links, perhaps you can post a link here to which site you cherry picked in order to come up with your defense of Smith while dissing the OL.

    I know overall effectiveness of the Qb and OL will depend on both. But that does not mean that you can't separate them by any metric. And more to the point, even if one accepted the implication that you can't, doesn't that speak to the Qb as well? In other words even if the OL sucked by a statistical measure, perhaps that is all on the Qb? At a minimum, the logic of your position would be that a poorly performing OL is probably that to a great extent becuase the Qb sucls.

    Can't have it both ways, Geno's cousin.
    TwoHeadedMonster likes this.
  7. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Don't forget Dakota Dozier. He may be ready to start at one of the OG positions.
    TwoHeadedMonster and Red Menace like this.

    Sep 5, 2014
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    Very funny, that should have been Kareem Jackson, I see there is a gang of comedians on this board. But i did try to change that mans name.
  9. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    Now we're talking. I'd take Kareem on this team. Hell, I'd probably take Marlin or Marlon as well.
  10. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Milliner should look to Kareem Jackson for motivation. Jackson was, as Shaquille Oneal would say, "barbecue chicken" his first couple of seasons. Now Jets fans are talking about him as a prize FA. Things can change.
  11. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    I still don't see what changed with Milliner in Jets' fans eyes. I think he has potential to be good. He had a fantastic last 2 games. That was a whole season ago. People decided after those 2 games that he sucks again just because he got hurt. Maybe he really did figure out how to play the position at an elite level. Maybe he had a couple lucky games. As a 4-12 team, I don't think we need to go nuts in FA at CB just for the hell of it. We do at some point need to see what we're working with.
  12. Clark Gaines

    Clark Gaines Banned

    Aug 29, 2005
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    I had already posted a couple of links previously. So, kinda well worn ground here: http://www.advancedfootballanalytics.com/index.php/home/stats/offensive-players/team-offensive-lines

    According to the advanced stats site and metrics, the Jets have the 31st ranked OL. And, really, anyone with any football acumen--to include extrapolating the performances of QBs who played for the Jets and other teams--would acknowledge that the OL sucks and has sucked for many years now. The Jets also had the 2nd worst graded OG, Brian Winters. I'm not going to do the research again to display the rating, but it's true.

    "That's 8th in pass blocking, and 19th in run blocking. In short a far cry from 31st.

    Seriously, you really believe that the strength of the Jets OL is pass blocking? vs. Run Blocking? I mean, wow, according to this ranking, the Jets are a better pass blocking OL than run blocking, even though they were sixth in rushing yardage and 28th in passing yardage?! Please...even the least intelligent among the least intelligent would have to ask "how can that be?"

    And, please, the weakness of your argument is displayed in the link ".....RUSHING_TOTAL_AVERAGE...blah blah blah" Who gives a fuck about rushing yardage if you can't pass protect, which the Jets OL certainly has issues with.

    Moreover, both Sanchez and Vick performed better on their Philly teams, in part because the Philly line is not ranked 31st and can actually pass protect.

    I really don't mind being called Geno Smith's cousin because, let's face it, you're a moron who seeks to distill all bad things down to one guy, the QB, when there are so many other tangible and measureable reasons for the success and failure of the Jets offense, to include it's 31st ranked OL and its "worst in football WR corps". You're a simplistic oaf with the reasoning skills of a opossum and I challenge you to refute my assertion with a reasoned and valid arguments beyond "RUSHING _TOTAL_AVERAGE", which is a virtually meaningless stat in the passing league the NFL has become.
    #132 Clark Gaines, Jan 21, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  13. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    They will bring back Cromartie and sign another top CB too..who knows, maybe Revis if Rex doesn't take him first (and it will be for less than the 12M he got this year).
  14. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    The problem with Milliner is not not only his injury history, which is very concerning. It is also that his injuries have probably held back his development. It's no sure thing he will play at a very high level, hitting the ground running, on his return. He just seems like longer odds than we should be comfortable at this point if you want to talk about a dependable starting cb.
  15. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I was teasing you calling you Smith's relative, which imo is rather harmless, and you respond as you did. I think you won't be able to hang here. I am upset about that already.

    You chose a site that I am not going to debate how they come up with their ranking, but they themselves have different rankings depending on different metrics. Yet you chose the 31st ranking. Cherry picking.

    There's also the vast distance between PFF's ranking and Analytics. Why is that relevant? Because you chose the most negative ranking, and it is far from clear that their system is most accurate.

    You also misunderstood the relevance of the rushing metric. The overall PFF ranking of 13th was based on a RUSH metric of 19th and a PASS metric of 8th. In other words, not so bright guy, they're system says the Jets OL is better at pass protect than rushing. Analytics's system as far as I can tell is, as much as an outlier as it is, a cumulative ranking. Therefore even your own cherry picked ranking does not isolate pass protection from rushing performance.

    Face it, bub, you're not being at all persuasive, unless you really are trying to show you're related to Smith. And your personal attacks on me don't mean shit.
  16. Clark Gaines

    Clark Gaines Banned

    Aug 29, 2005
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    I don't really expect to persuade you: because, again, you're the type of fan with simplistic views that won't be persuaded by fact, stats, opinions supported by fact. Your opinion is that Smith is to blame. Well, of course, there are very few rookie and 2nd-year QBs who are going to excel beyond the talent that surrounds them. But, let's be clear, there's been a paucity of talent surrounding Smith for the majority of his NFL starts. The WRs last year? a joke. The WRs for much of this year, a repeat of the same joke. The OL, as ranked, 31st and relied on such 'talents' as Brian Winters, a diminished Ferguson, a penalty machine at the other OG spot, and an underwhelming RT. What to you makes this group greater than the sum of its parts? It's not.

    So, now it's become a argument of whose stats are more accurate. Ok, but what you've chosen to ignore is the question of how Michael Vick AND Mark Sanchez performed better, significantly, in other systems when EVERY QB who has played for the Jets has played terribly. I mean, both have a history of performing well at times. Just not with the current Jets OL. Doesn't that say something about the OL? That it's not that good? And then there's the occasional good performance by Smith. At these times, the OL actually DOES play well: few penalties, pockets that actually exist in obvious passing situations. Unfortunately, that just hasn't happened frequently enough.

    I didn't "choose" the 31st ranking: the 31st ranking is what it is, based on OBJECTIVE metrics. The stats are fairly clearly explained: the Jets line does not perform well against even average defenses, both in the run and the pass. and, really, haven't your eyes told you that? I've watched the Jets this year and seen a 31st ranked OL: unable to pass protect in obvious passing situations; unable to run when defenses decide they don't want the Jets to run; penalties that stop or stall drives, often in critical game situations. These deficiencies are the mark of a below average OL. 31st? Maybe, maybe not. But terrible nonetheless.

    Posters like yourself continually trot out the notion that the Jets OL is good because it run blocks well. Well, perhaps it's really not blocking all that well. perhaps it's simply that defenses are content to let the Jets run the ball between the 20s. Because once in the redzone, the OL becomes pretty much impotent. And, really, how could an OL that relied on Brian Winters, graded out as the second-worst OG, be good? How could an OL that had Brian Winters AND Willie Colon, one of the most penalized OGs in the league, as OGs be good? It can't be.

    You suggest that I am related to Smith. Why? We're both black? not even subtly racist, no?
  17. Superhippy

    Superhippy Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
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    There are two stats to me that are objective and not formula based that can show just how bad our O-Line was and that is Tackles for Loss given up, and Sack's allowed and the Jets were terrible in both categories. We had NOTHING at Guard on either side. Colon and Winters were the lowest rated guard tandem in the league by every single site I have seen that grades players. This is exactly why there is a better then 50/50 chance Geno is still the QB next year. Without good pass protection, everyone looks like shit. Just look at the teams from 25-32 on the site linked above and look at what those QB's did.

    32. Kaepernick - Really bad season.
    31. Geno / Vick - They were awful
    30. McCown / Glennon - Terrible
    29. Hoyer / Manziel - Both were awful
    28. RG3 / Cousins / McCoy - All struggled heavily
    27. Orton / Manuel - Servicable to Awful
    26. Newton - Looked like a total disaster at times
    25. Stafford - Worst year ever

    A bad O-Line in a league where nearly every team has atleast one stud in their front 7 and many have 2 or 3, is a recipe for disaster.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I had no idea until reading this post that you are black. The related to Smith thing is meant to show how since you do not make a persuasive point about the OL that one must find some other explanation for your ridiculous blame everyone else defense of Smith.

    As for the rest of your silly post, you are not really responding to points I have made, so this discussion is going nowhere. But for others I have never said the OL is free from fault, or even is anywhere near good. But you did cherry pick a metric that has them at 31st when no other metric I have seen has them anywhere near that bad. And you also again failed to respond to PFF"s finding that the Jets OL is actually better at pass blocking than run blocking. And then you go and post the bolded sentence.

    You are a waste of time, so have a nice day.
  19. Clark Gaines

    Clark Gaines Banned

    Aug 29, 2005
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    so "for others..." you agree with my thesis that the OL sucks, but somehow the acknowledgement of that fact is not extended to me...because I'm related to Smith. And because I've "cherry picked" relevant stats that prove my assertion. Of course, I had this very same discussion with another poster recently. I posted many more stats from the site you used that showed a much more nuanced treatment of Smith's performance. So, it's not my first foray into presenting metrics on Smith or the OL.

    But you're right. This discussion is going nowhere: you admit that the OL sucks "for others" but for me think that Geno Smith and a cast of mostly NFL backups at the receiver spots are supposed to overcome that. Where I come from, we call that speaking out of both sides of your mouth...or more simply, dishonest.
  20. Walt White

    Walt White Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Right. I have no faith in Milliner. I look for Bowles to get a veteran player, or two, into the Defensive Backfield.

    I think we'll find out now under Bowles what he have with those two, and Pryor, sooner rather than later. That's his specialty and I don't see him tolerating much back there.

    I also hope that maybe he can make a difference with Coples...again, I see Bowles as a no nonsense guy that's not accepting anything less than the players to reach their full potential, or c-ya.

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