I found this jets gem on reddit...If you scroll down the posters who got kicked out/revolted on this forum attacked TGG ran into Petrozza who in the comments section put the smackdown on them. http://www.reddit.com/r/nyjets/comments/19by0z/jets_blogs_or_forums/ I recall some of those guys..Their original site doesnt exist anymore either, but they got another I think and going off reddit (where they were at one time promoting their forum) it is no where near 235 members, but closer to 100 members now. Believe it was posters like Koz, Johnny English, BadgeronLSD, MBGreen, Miamipuck, 17a, eyedea, Ignatius, bojangles, Tommy, IATA...Some posters dabbled in both. Top posters were guys banned from here lol
there are some good posters than got banned, the board will always go on but we've lost a lot of quality guys through the years.
The biggest shame was when Green Guy passed away, he was an excellent poster, well respected and only 44
That was tragic. he was one of the guys I argued the most with early on at this board, I loved those debates w/ him and Jabba. had a lot of fun in those days.
Makes me think...how many of us will have someone from our family side or close ones (even friends) come online on our behalf and give everyone the bad news. I wonder like if there are any posters we have lost in real life who stopped posting but maybe something bad happened...I think too negatively
MBGreen was one of my favorite characters, he had several reincarnations here, the world's only Winnipeg Jet fan
I love debating/arguing. I truly don't take things personally and you and others shouldn't as well. sometimes I say dumb things and sometimes dumb things are said toward me but this stuff is all supposed to be in fun.