This. Folks are too paranoid of the Goodell-Kraft relationship. It can't happen, the league wouldn't stand for it. _
I would almost think Goodell would welcome some controversy on that subject. He could make it look like he's taking a hard stance against cheating after he basically lost control of the league this past season.
There's no way a 1st is lost. I looked at the picks the Pats have, they pick above us from rounds 5 to 7(Taking we keep Harvin) so yeah the pick differential is way too much to warrant a pick swap. A potential 25+ pick swap is absurd. At most it is a lost 7th or 6th round pick from the Jets side(Contingent if they keep Harvin) and hefty fine out of Johnson's pocket. To Woody's credit, he contacted Kraft right away and tried to apologize. It wasn't like he refused to acknowledge he didn't do anything wrong or is hellbent on his stance.
I doubt post Ray Rice scandal where everyone wanted Roger kicked out as commish that Goodell wants to step on any owner(Kraft and Johnson) given both guys had his back throughout the entire process. Woody and Bob Kraft are two of Goodell's closest allies as far as owners go, they've sided with him along with Mara and Rooney for so many discussions. Its why Goodell burned the tape and tried to deflect as much blame away from Kraft as he possibly could. Does the NFL no good and it made Kraft look very bad. Goodell wants, especially now, to keep a healthy relationship with the owners who have had his back for so many times from the lockout to the Ray Rice situation.
Anything worse than two lashings with a wet noodle would be stupidity. It was Woody for chrissakes, he's not smart enough to tamper.
still is pretty ballsy and arrogant as hell for them to bring this up and file a complaint. Hopefully its just a fine to Woody.
They will not lose a pick, it will be a fine. Losing picks happens only when it's an outright behind the scenes deal that has come to light. It was a comment made in the heat of the moment, during a PC that was very important for Woodrow. The context of his comment did not make it flagrant tampering. It's a shame that Kraft would not look at it from that context and take these steps against a fellow owner, knowing it was not malicious. It really makes me hate patriots even more to see this kind of garbage.
True. Still, I think there's reason enough for concern until Goodell hands down the punishment. Given that we've just had a lot of good happen to the franchise (Rex gone, Idzik gone, promising new GM and HC hired, new front office being assembled, etc.), part of me is conditioned to expect the worst because the Jets never have any kind of extended period of good luck.
So did the Patriots file this complaint. Even though Woody apologized to Kraft. It's not clear but wouldn't be a big surprise. Of course they hated it when Mangini ratted on them. Do I smell an NEP rat. And if so why were they so bent out of shape when the Jets did the same thing.
Why? Ultimately this would hurt us as fans more than it would Woody. Also, it won't make Woody not be an idiot any more.
this is a fing joke. the team that cheated its way to two superbowls filing charges? How about an apology the rest of the league for the cheating. You want fine I can see that but pick suck my &%&^%& if that is the case the nfl is really fixed and the commish should be fired
Jerry Jones talked directly to Adrian Peterson and there was a discussion about playing for the Cowboys, the league isn't even pursuing it. If they lose a draft pick for the type of comment Woody made then there is seriously something wrong.
Some of you need to relax, we will not lose our first round pick. We will be fined and nothing more. If we lost a pick it would be a 7th round one.
I think Mangini learned from Belichick that all opponents are the enemy and so when he went to the Jets, that's why he turned in the Patriots for cheating. You take any advantage you can. You're supposed to. So why did he get a hard on when Mangini ratted. Now the shoes on the other foot and so instead accepting Woody's apology for what it was: a mistake. Like any gentleman would. He goes down to Belichick's level.