Nah Eli needs his defense to hold down the other teams offense still, Flacco winning shootouts like in Denver 38-35 and Super Bowl, and now here 28-14. Fucking brilliant. 17 TD, 0 int last 6 playoff games. God.
I'm not sure why Colins tried to reroute the crosser... he would have been tackled fairly easily. But regardless go Ravens!
Not even, their defense isnt that amazing, they just arent pussy minded betas like Peyton Manning, Ben Roethlisberger, Andrew Luck who get scared when they see the Patriots logo....
who were they saying played so many years for Jacksonville? is that monroe? only ex-jag I can think of
I totally see your analogy, but if Flacco keeps this going, he is approaching a legendary playoff level run.
Dont have to wait for anything, Ravens have won more times in the postseason in Foxborough than anyone else.