Report: Jameis Winston may be leaning against declaring for NFL Draft I know this isn't an official or credible report, but this is not the first time I've heard it and his father has publically said he wants his son to stay in school and play baseball too. "As it stands now, Marcus Mariota seems to be the consensus No. 1 overall pick, followed closely by Jameis Winston. The only problem with that is, Winston may not declare for the NFL Draft this year and could return to the Seminoles for one more season. This doubt in Winston’s immediate NFL future is nothing new, but is gaining more steam thanks to a report starting to surface that those within Florida State are telling NFL teams at the top of the draft not to count on Jameis Winston declaring for the NFL Draft this year. After the Rose Bowl massacre, it was reported that Winston was only worried about focusing on his baseball career with the Seminoles, as he tried to burry the emotions of the loss. That was initially seen as nothing more than a defense mechanism, but it’s now looking like Winston is seriously considering putting his NFL future on hold." I think drafted this kid, especially in NY would be a HUGE mistake. Glad to hear he might not be there at all to draft.
We'll find out by January 14th, I guess. That being said, even if you don't want Winston, Jets fans should absolutely be hoping that he declares. We want as much talent as possible to be declaring in this draft; even if we don't pick him, someone above us might.... giving the Jets more options at the 6th overall pick.
I believe the message board guys on college messge boards........most of them actually have inside info with the schools since they are former alumni or have friends and family attending the schools. I've been on that message board for the past 3 years and knew about Winston's rape allegations, guys commiting and Pruitt leaving for Georgia days before the media reported it.
I understand that and I have seen that firsthand but sometimes smoke is being blown or a kid thinks they want to come back in the emotion of the last loss. Things change, I will be very surprised if he goes back for another year.
I've thought all along that t would be in his best interest to stay in school another year. He only hurt his draft stock this past season. He'll be the consensus #1 QB if he waits another year. He'll also have the chance at another National Championship and Heisman as well as giving himself a shot at furthering his baseball career. It really makes sense for him to stick.
that isn't always true, Leinart was supposed to be #1 and he went back and dropped the next year. it happens a lot.
Former QB Shaun King also states per his twitter: Jameis is staying in school and will not enter the 2015 draft.
Even if he does declare he will be drafted before we have a chance,unless we are stupid enough to trade up for him.
is he really that good at baseball that he'd focus on that career instead of a top 10 draft pick NFL career? I haven't heard anything about him being good in baseball
Baseball contracts are guaranteed and you can play well into your 30s without worring about any serious health issues afterwards...........I think I'd choose baseball over football.
yes yes I understand the draw of baseball vs. football. That wasn't the question. The question was is he good enough for the MLB? if so how good? He better be damn good to pass up a career as a top 5 NFL prospect even considering the draw of baseball. I never heard of him being that good. Maybe he is though?