Guys like you said this same bullshit the day we hired John Idzik when I said it was a horrible move.But hear we are....apprently if you have never interviewed a head coaching candidate then you are a peice of shit.Ive played football from age 7 until high school and just from that experience alone I can see things in a diffrent light ,Nobody wants to play for a guy who's all about dicsipline especially when there grown men,those guys lose the team in a hurry if guys aren't buying in or worse there not winning and guys aren't buying in ,Marrone is that kind of guy according to everything I've read .Things will go downhill fast in this Market with a guy like that and a losing team,this really isn't rocket science
The thing that makes me wonder about Marrone is that he left his entire staff hanging in Buffalo after apparently having an agreement in place since they are still under contract. Kinda leaves them in a lurch since Buffalo is unlikely to let them go before they hire their own coach.
I just don't get this thread ,there isn't one report of this anywhere on planet earth.The entire planet but yet this thread is here
This is debatable on whether the Bills owners agreed to Marrone's request for a 2 year no-raise extension for him and his staff not just for him. I read an article from a Buff newspaper (online) that said the Pegula's turned him down which meant being a lame duck in a year.
It's pretty much Dan Quinn's job. Not an awful choice, would like the assist GM in Seattle to come with. Trent Kirchner
FINALLY I found something somewhat substantial on this whole Mort thing... "According to Chris Mortensen on SportsCenter, Dan Quinn is the favorite for the New York Jets head coaching position. Mortensen also stated that Doug Marrone doesn't have much of a chance, despite reports to the contrary that stated he was an early favorite. Both candidates have already been interviewed."
Everything I heard paints Marrone as the bad guy in this situation. Could be wrong info sure, but usually in coaches vs. owners situations very rarely does it make the owner look like the victim. Add in the assistant that came out and bashed Marrone plus the Jets interview reportedly didnt go well so its a ton of strikes against him right now. Maybe he's just a scumbag that wanted to cash in on that free 4 mil and worry about other things later.
So florio deuche is "reporting" that IF the Falcons like Rex Ryan and IF the interview goes well they COULD hire Rex Ryan. Wow way to get the scoop there! Do people really read these BS PFT articles or just the headline?
It's like Mike Francesca saying he is going out on a limb, then saying there is a 50/50 chance something might happen.
You missed the point of the article, and the reason I posted it ..... the "scoop" here is that if the Falcons hire Rex, it will likely cause other teams to begin to panic, thus causing a domino effect of other HC hirings.....did you read the article lol.