I really don't know what to make of Marrone at this point and how can we really judge any hire until we actually see him coach a team on the field? But there better be a good connection/shared vision between the new coach and new GM... This is one of the most important factors for me. Seems like that was a major issue with him in Buffalo.
What was weird to me is that he had the same guys on OL as Chan Gailey had. Yet Chan got a top 5 Offensive Line out of those guys and Marrone had a bottom 10 offensive line with that same group.
Funny thing is I'm not a hater of Mehta like most here and think that he often had a point... But this article was a hack job. Control freak? What big time coach is not a control freak? Parcells? Belicheck? Harbaugh? Come on...
You guys all know Mehta has an agenda always will. Marrone is not a sound byte guy. Mehta needs that because he's a gossip tmz type writer. Marrone will be the death of Mehta and he knows it. Rex made mehtas career and without Rex Mehta will fade into nothing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They were starting two rookies on the offensive line this year, so it wasn't the same group Chan Gailey had
The whole control freak and being disliked by everyone in the building gives me flashbacks of Mangini and of Schiano in Tampa. Maybe a milder more likeable Mangini but never the less we do not need another coach like that ever again. Coaches like that have the potential to destroy and tear apart organizations. I hope the article is not true and a fabricated Mehta article. But it sure does take the excitement out of a possible Marrone hire. With Mangini it only took a couple of weeks in camp before it was becoming apparent something was wrong with the man. I would rather not have to see the team I root for be run by a similar type coach.
That's my first reaction too and a reason that I liked Rex. But when I think about some of the greatest head coaches like Parcells, Shula and Belichick, they seem to be closer to the "control freak" end of the spectrum.
@LiterateStylish, I appreciate you taking the time to bring your analysis to our attention. From your analysis and my knowledge of marrone I know you aren't hurting over this departure especially from the points you bring up. I personally don't want him and think he is a product of that talent on defense. He is an O-line coach but yet his o-line which was once top 5 regressed to one of the worst. If all he does is spend time with the O-line at practice that in itself is concerning but the fact that they are that bad is a major red flag. You all need to lay off he didn't have to come to our board to give us his perspective and analysis and I'm sure he isn't hurting as marrone isn't all that. Marrone hasn't done anything for him to be hurting or for him to display resentment in his analysis. We are making a mistake going from Rex to marrone and I read many people's opinions on this site and many are pro marrone and I don't get it. I understand he kicked our asses in the two games we played 3 games if you count the game after the bye in 2013 but come on the guy is inflated and overrated
There are so many Mangini stories. But I think the most descriptive one about him being a control freak was from Cleveland when he refused to let his assistant coaches talk to his starting QB, Colt McCoy, all year and made sure thta McCoy always received his weekly gameplan one day after the other QBs. All because Mangini was against drafting him. There is a good article by one of his players from Cleveland let me see if I can find it and post it. Edit: It was from Nate Jackson and you can find it here. But as bad as Manigini was I do no think one can be worse than Schiano. I recall reading a story about how Schiano treated the press. He made a small box far away from the foeld and he put the members of the press he did not like in that box during practice and told them they were not allowed to leave. They would have to stay in the box all season. If they left the box he would yell at them and threaten to throw them off the property. I don't remember all the details but they were some truly bizarre control freak problems displayed by Schiano far and above what we saw from Mangini. I see another poster above saying that many old time coaches were control freaks. That is often true but many of them such as Parcells who also had great charisma and were loved and respected by their players. A coach like Parcells and even Belicheck can treat one poorly and still be respected because of their reputation and/or charisma. What young coaches like Mangini, Schiano, and McDaniel never seem to learn is that you have to earn that player respect first and that you can't force players to respect you by fear or treating them as sub standard human beings.
He's a douche waffle no doubt about it. But he's not being stupid here IMO. He's being smart. It won't be long before he will be looking good if we hire Marrone because every word he wrote will be pure prophecy. Insult to injury.
Why do Bills fans even post here? It'll be a cold day in hell when a Jets fan lurks on a Bills forum.
You've posted 100 times since 2008 and about 80 times in the past 24 hours. Each one is a empassioned plea hoping that the Jets don't hire Marrone.