So much win... Every FA banging down Buffalo's door. Buffalo’s poverty rate tops 30 percent, making it America's third-poorest city
You're right. I don't know what's inside of his head this second. Just what was inside his head 2 days ago.
And yet we still win more games. You can post link after link. Heck, even if they got 0 free agents ... They still win more. So what does it matter oh wise one?
Yeah the bills have won more games that aren't the Super Bowl. Your right, you win. Remind me, how many times have you been to the playoffs in the last 14 years?
They have 4 paper participation awards tied with silver ribbon and gold stars on them. Their mom hung them on the fridge and told them they did their best.
If you knew anything about Jets history (which you don't) you have to know the Hackett name is poison here. They complain about every OC we ever had but Hackett's father Paul was the second most hated coach in Jets history after Kotite. It's not fair, I know, not the same person but I don't give a shit. No true Jets fan wants a Hackett.
I'm confused. Is this part of your original statement that the quality of a city somehow has to do with how good a team is? Or should your statement have read thag the quality of a city is related to how good a team is for 14 years?
I can't imagine being so butthurt after finally having a season go over .500 and the coach quitting that I would feel the need to go to another teams message board to tell them that he was a bad coach. 10 years without a winning season. Wow. We know Marrone isn't particularly good. We also know he left the bills a shithole when he left. It's awesome. Best of luck. See you in 2024 when you get to 9-7 again.
Ahh... So that's what this is truly about. Youre just trying to make some odd comparison that a crappy city means a crappy team which doesn't make sense because I'm on your forum. I gotcha.