Typical, Geno only plays well in Miami but next year's Dolphins road game is in London. It's a sign to move on.
Geno should be 21 for21 all three incompletions were drops. Not exactly the kind of game I was expecting.
can you point to where is me saying that people wanting a better HC are crazy? if you read my post it was that if people think a different head coach is going to make a lot of difference given the talent on this team then they are kidding themselves - and given this organization its as least as likely the next head coach we get is going to be worse rather than better.
geno reminds me of myself in high school literally do nothing the entire year and do what you have to do at the absolute very end to ensure your place for next year.
We need to find a way to draft Duke Johnson. He's a better runner than Lamar Miller and you see how well Miller is doing against the great Ryan defense.
He's been playing against Grimes since the mid-3rd quarter. Finnegan got pulled; the 50 yarder was over Grimes.