I saw it on some site, it was ok, but my god James Franco was terrible. Such awful overacting...Stupidest faces ever. The North Korean chick was attractive. Guy who played Kim was ok Major editing issues I noticed, wont spoil for others...But very noticeable near the end.
Yeah, I watched it. Not great. I am a Rogen/Franco fan too. They are usually pretty funny. This was a miss though. I don't get why they felt the need to make this movie. Haha. I give it a C.
Watched it last night, it was okay. It wasn't terrible, I laughed a few times, but I definitely wouldn't have been happy if I paid full price at the theatre to see it.
Saw a reddit post Stating that Seth Rogen Movies are just like Tyler Perry films for stoners. Which I think is pretty accurate
I watched it not that good A few funny bits (I liked Franco singing Firework), but most of it was attempted stupid dirty humor and the requisite showing of someone getting hit in the crotch. Honeypot, honeydick, stink dick. Maybe if we say that 20 times and have someone shove something up his ass, it'll be funny. Nice try. They forgot the fart jokes, but I think they had that angle covered with talk about sharting, assholes, and plenty of pooping and peeing talk. I think a good summary of the movie would be someone saying "Honeypot, honeydick, stink dick" over and over while Rogen shoves things up his ass. If that's funny to you, then I guess you've found your movie!
Sony honeydicked me into watching this piece of shit. Congrats to Franco and Rogan on the $$$ they are making.
Wow, that was terrible. If you told me in a few years that they found out Sony did this as PR stunt, I would believe it.
Conspiracy theory: an anti-north korean group was behind it all. Think about it: if this movie was just released with no hype surrounding it odds are nobody really talks about it but with all the controversy and hype more people are talking about north korea and the shit going on there now than ever before. It's kind of sad really, people point out horrible atrocities that take place there daily and nobody cares but you fuck with a below average comedy with a few recognizable names and you're front page news. Don't necessarily believe that to be true, just wanted to volunteer a contrary conspiracy theory as I'm kind of bored of the Sony one. Honestly I think the fallout cost them a lot more than they gained (if anything was gained at all).
Awful movie. I got thru the first 40mins then my brain ceased to function. Thank god I didn't pay a dime for it as I really would have been pissed. Its been quite some time since I've see a movie this lacking in everything. Rogan and Franco might want to re examine how they decide to accept roles in upcoming movies. This one had career killer written all over it.