The Rex Ryan era that SHOULD have been...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Truth4U2, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. jetlife21

    jetlife21 Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Sounds like an Organizational Problem to me. His recommendation should hold weight but a strong GM makes their own decisions, sits back and takes BPA.
    Too early to tell on the Pryor pick but I truly believe Idzik made that decision. I'm sure Rex had praise for the kid coming out but it's unfair to pin it on the HC when it's the GM's decision. Idzik had too much confidence in Geno going into this year and they didn't even think about drafting a QB which was a poor decision. The only real offensive weapons we passed on were Benjamin/Cooks and Pryor might have as good of a career as either.

    Hard to complain about 2013 when Idzik took 2 of the BPA, even though they happened to be defense. I doubt Rex had too much say in Idzik's first draft.
    Did we need more offense? Absolutely. We had just lost Lord Revis and getting the top CB in the draft was too obvious at the time. Then we doubled down on Defense and got Sheldon Richardson, the best moment of the Idzik Era while you were probably complaining we didn't draft Tyler Eifert. GTFO go back to the Pats.
    Pocket Jet likes this.
  2. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Its amazing the Rex fans all act like he is just sitting back on vacation and just "coaching" whoever is given to him with no say at all. If you Rex fans honestly believe that the head coach has 0 say in any draft picks then you need to have your head examined.
    tomdeb and Pocket Jet like this.
  3. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    So in your mind, it is just a coincidence that this team has drafted primarily defense in the first round since Rex got here and Rex is a defense only coach? BPA is a good strategy if you have the major holes on both sides but when you have that many holes on offense, you cant just keep drafting defense if the best player in your mind is defense.
    tomdeb likes this.
  4. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Believe me, all the teams in the league, particularly the division, are praying we keep Rex Ryan. It makes their lives much easier.
    tomdeb likes this.
  5. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Yeah, let's not forget the fact that other than Mark Sanchez the Jets have drafted ZERO offensive skill players since 2000. With a track record like that, the defense should be head and shoulders above what it is even with letting the corners walk out the door.

    Bottom line here is that Tannenbaum went for broke, lost, and Rex is an overmatched HC who doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes. Tannenbaum is gone, but the effects are still being felt, and Rex is still here - hence why this season is nearly a carbon copy of last season minus the few lucky breaks that gave us some wins. This year is what it looks like when you don't get the breaks.
  6. Clark Gaines

    Clark Gaines Banned

    Aug 29, 2005
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    Well, there was Stephen Hill...and Sean Green. Oh, you probably meant offensive players with, agreed.
    #86 Clark Gaines, Dec 26, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2014
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I was just using LongIslandBlitzes format in responding. Rex hasn't been any good with the Jets since he lost Revis early in 2012. Really he wasn't good from mid-season on in 2011 either with Revis.

    Rex can't win without prime CB's. My original response was along the lines of most good coaches can win without spending the bankroll on CB's.
  8. jetlife21

    jetlife21 Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Not sure if it's a coincidence but I understand why we drafted defense with our 1st in most scenarios. Was hard to get too many great players when Tanny traded all our picks in the beginning of the RR era.

    2009 we drafted Sanchez/Greene/Slauson. Not Rex's fault the first year he was here they only had 3 picks, all offense.

    In 2010 Kyle Wilson over Gronk makes me want to puke but the next relevant offensive player drafted who stil has a career today is Golden Tate 31 picks later. We took offense instead of defense the rest of the way but only had 4 picks that year. 7 picks in 2 years in Rex's first 2 offseasons isn't a good start when you're trying to sustain long term success.

    2011 we take King Mo, BPA, fantastic pick. Then we're left without a 2nd and have a mediocre rest of draft taking players from both sides of the ball. Ellis, Kerley, and Powell are good Jets, but not world beaters. Maybe Rex did use his pull to make the Mo pick and if so, thank you RR.

    2012 We needed offense big time but Kendal Wright and Brandon Weeden were the next two offensive players taken. Wright would be nice here but he's not a difference maker in Tennessee. Where we fucked up royally was the notorious Stephen Hill pick. Gave up extra picks and passed on Alshon Jeffrey. Thanks Tanny! It's on the record Rex was surprised by the move.

    Those weren't the easiest drafts but Rex wasn't brainwashing anyone and forcing them into defense. I blame Mr. T for selling his soul for 2 winning seasons. 2009-2012 we had around the fewest picks in the league.Replace good draft picks with bad contracts and it didn't leave much depth on either side of the ball by the time Tanny was canned as the Tebow Circus left town.

    Already explained Idzik's drafts. Idzik's first draft taking Dee/Sheldon were his calls. Maybe Rex recommended 1 or both but why take the job if you defer the picks to your HC. Cooks/Benjamin looks like a better call now but Pryor still has potential.

    RR is going to lose his job because this offense hasn't looked competent since 2010. He came into this QB league and was winning without one. I'm sure nobody cringes more than Rex when Geno/Mark throws a pick 6 or an int that puts his Defense in a god awful situation.
    I'm not using Rex Ryan as a scapegoat for why our offense sucks just because he's one of the top defensive minds in the game. I'd rather blame things that matter like the horrible QB play, drafting, OC playcalling, worst WR's in the league, Mediocre RBs, and eroding O-Line.

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