Both Miami and Buffalo have reached the pinnacle of what every Jets fan wished upon a star for, in the finest Walt Disney tradition,...8 WINS !
I think he might actually be right. With halfway competent coaching, maybe someone who understood timeouts, for example, or someone who could put together an organized sideline, or a competent offensive strategy, I think the talent on the field might have taken a few more games.
Yea but they will be able to find out who they were,they won't be able to find out about the moral victorys and the best 3-12 team ever
He's been drinking the Rex Kool-Aid all year. He seriously sounds like a mini Ryan blowhard at times. Hopefully a new coaching regime does him some good because at this point of his career his bark is definitely bigger than his bite.
Because many times what they say, including this quote, gives insight into the attitude of the players on the team and can go a ways toword understanding why they perform so poorly. The idea of "hey we're 3-12 but so what we're good" is ludicrous on its face and shows the lously mindset of this team, or at least of some of its players.
Obviously Rex wanted more wins. Instead of shitting on his players, team, and organization, he put out some fluff comments with a positive spin. Nothing wrong with his commentary there.
Rates right up there with: "We're the best D in the NFL" - Calvin Pace "I'm the best Db in the NFL" - Dee Milliner "I've performed at a Pro Bowl Level at times" - Geno Smith Quite the tradition we're building here..
It shows me he thinks there a lot better then 3-12 and I don't see anything wrong with thinking that.
They are better than their record. The problem for the Jets this year was the schedule and their inability to defeat better teams. As for Pryor. I haven't been able to watch the last 3 games. I just followed them on Gamecast online. But he hasn't shown the ability to make plays. He's not around the ball. So far his coverage skills are below average. And his rep as a Leron Landry type of big hitter: I haven't seen it. So right now he's a big disappointment. He said before the Patriots game that he's going to prove everyone wrong. And he might. I'm waiting.
Actually, he is right. We probably are the best 3-12 team in the history of football. Trouble is, _none_ of them have been any good. Too bad the worst 4-11 team is better than we are.
Dust off the obligatory Tuna quote here - no, they aren't better than their record. They are their record. Pfft schedule. Miami and Buffalo had the exact same schedule as we did for all practical purposes (their SOS is only less than ours because we had to play 8-7 Miami & Buffalo and they get to play 3-12 Jets), and are likely to finish six games better than us. Is that all luck? Buffalo especially gets my goat. It's not like they had any more stability at any level compared to us. Same type of QB problems, instability in the offense, weak defensive backfield, strong D-Line (ours is better, actually). It came down to decisive moves in the front office (jettisoning EJ Manuel) and the coaching staff really coaching that team up to its ability. Why can't we do that?
I'm sure there were plenty of 3-12 teams in history who had many close games against good teams. Just that no one remembers it because those teams suck, just like this one.