These are some intelligent responses. Funny, how the posters think they are witty. “More like Steve suck.” That is a generic regurgitated joke using zero wit or originality. As is “don’t quit your day job.” The barber shop joke is a little better, particularly since my haircut is atrocious, but still fairly pathetic.
Haha, That may be…but I don’t know if a few comments on a jets message board is necessarily a representative sample of the entire population. Especially when some people are clearly commenting out of anger for me criticizing American terrorist’s activities. Ive played live about a dozen times and I have had overwhelmingly positive reactions. Not that that is representative either. But, to each his own. I have no problem with a guy telling me he listened for 15 seconds and gave up. In the video, no music starts until about the 25 second mark. Tough to take that seriously.
Not sure anyone needs to mock you since you quite easily make a fool of yourself. Did your mother lie and say you were a good singer? Is that why you continue to post this shit?
You started a thread soliciting responses and when you get them you state "don’t know if a few comments on a jets message board is necessarily a representative sample". You posted it on a Jets message board you dumbass, did you expect people from to be commenting? And there is a difference between "overwhelmingly positive reactions" and people just not throwing shit at you. You played for free at some coffee shop open mic and the people were more interested in the free wifi, just because they didn't throw you out does not mean it was overwhelmingly positive.