Sonys going to sell Spiderman, im telling ya. They are sinking in general and they could probably get a kings ransom for him.
They can't sell the rights Spider-Man in general. I am speculating but it is an educated guess that their deal does not permit them to sell it to any other party other than to revert them back to Marvel. Marvel would never have signed a deal where the rights could eventually have been sold to another third party. But they won't do so. Sony is dying to establish franchises like every other studio and Spidey is really all they have. It is more valuable to keep and fix.
No but my point is that Sony is bleeding money right now, and to the above poster saying that they can make the money back in one movie? then you sell it for twice that amount, problem solved. Sony lost billions in last year alone. A day will come when they lose Spiderman, maybe not next year but id predict that within 10 years they sell him.
Looks like Spiderman is going back to Marvel? And it looks like Andrew Garfield will no longer be Spiderman? which means another reboot.......
Please come to fruition. It takes a serious amount of incompetence to fuck up Spider-Man and Sony is riding that train full speed. Despite not owning the movie rights Spider-man remains marvels biggest non-movie/kid focused property. Compare that to the x men and F4 who they have completely cut off support for. Marvel wants this property back.
SONY got hacked to, entire movies apparently released. Social Security numbers released, nicknames the famous people use in public leaked also. What a mess.
What a glorious mess. A thoughtlessly ill-conceived plot about assassinating a current sitting leader and it blows up in their hacked faces - haha! And speaking of hacked faces, on top of it all Sony execs Amy Pacsal (pictured below) and Scott Rudin exchange Obama-themed emails containing elements of racist humor. Ah, progressive Hollywood. Hey Amy: can you say 'could stop a clock?'
The rumors have been up and down for days.. I think Sony ends up Keeping him cause they are riding a sinking ship as of now