Would like to know where the Idzik got a plan people at?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Geno007, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    haha. IF, I mean IF I was actually trying to make the argument that Idzik is a good drafter, I would use a different draft to compare it to than perhaps the greatest draft this organization has ever had and try to tear it down..
  2. GangGreenBlues

    GangGreenBlues Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    1. I did not dispute Abraham's talents, only said that he was injured early in his career, much like Milliner.
    2. Pennington as I already mentioned is very overrated. Being one of the top five starting QBs in Jets history is like being one of the top five fiercest chihuahuas.
    3. Yes, I agree that Ellis was a steady long-term starter for us, and said so in the post, but for a 12th overall pick, that's a pretty low ceiling.
    4. Your post that I was replying to talked about the first round only, so that's what I was referring to, not talking about Coles or anyone beyond the first round.
    5. A first round TE that cannot catch is a bust.

    So we got one impact player (Abraham) with some early injury issues out of 4 first round picks. I do not consider either Ellis or Pennington to be impact players, and Becht is a clear bust. In 2013, Idzik got one impact player out of 2 first round picks. That's what I meant by twice as good as Parcells.
  3. GangGreenBlues

    GangGreenBlues Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I don't know whether the Jets tried to trade for Alex Smith or not, or what Idzik thought about him, but from my perspective, Alex Smith is a game manager at best, a QB that will never carry his team. Geno was an unknown quantity before coming to us, so he could've potentially been a franchise QB, something Alex Smith never will be. You have to take chances if you want to win the Superbowl.

    Our WRs have nothing to do with our DBs. We had and still have enough money to sign DBs, that's not why they let Cromartie go or didn't sign FA DBs. Cromartie was old and a bad influence on young players, DRC was overrated and oveerpaid, Revis was aging and had bad history with the team, Flowers and Verner didn't fit into Rex's scheme, etc. The idea was to let young DBs develop, Milliner and McDougle in particular. Injuries hurt that.

    Ok, so you are just really angry now, and not really making any logical arguments, so...
  4. tooooon

    tooooon Active Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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    This is spot on.

    Last offseason was a golden opportunity and Idzik f'd it up royally.
  5. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    You add nothing here other than a caricature of an FO Homer's position.
    GangGreenBlues likes this.
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    He is using his brain. That's where the problem starts.
  7. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    I love how signing Decker is being used as a negative. What a joke.
    perpetualchange likes this.
  8. GangGreenBlues

    GangGreenBlues Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    That's the funny part. When you look at the vast majority of Idzik's moves, they all make sense and if not perfect, are at least solid moves for the franchise. Over time and with the benefit of hindsight, you can see that some of them work out (Richardson, Ivory, etc) and some don't (Geno, Pryor so far), but at the time, they are all good decisions. But many fans don't care about that, they just look at the 2-11 record, disregard that we are rebuilding, and just start blaming everything and everyone. It's the same reason that political parties get voted out in elections when things arent going well. The average voter doesn't care who is actually responsible, they just wanna "vote the bums out".
  9. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    please stick to not knowing anything about football
  10. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    perpetualchange likes this.
  11. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    And who would that "legitimate independent expert" be? ESPN? WFAN? Would by any chance be the sample people who projected Jets @ 3-4 wins last year, and in playoffs this year?

    Can we perhaps try to look for ourselves instead?
  12. Dom

    Dom Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    care to elaborate how none of the moves at the time made sense? im curious. you seem to know a whole lot about football
    perpetualchange likes this.
  13. tooooon

    tooooon Active Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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    In choosing Richardson as one that worked out you conveniently left out the high percentage of picks that did not work out.

    And saying moves "make sense" is useless. In the end they either work out or they don't. If a vast majority do not work out you get fired, regardless if the move "made sense" at the time.
    BrowningNagle likes this.
  14. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Its such a stupid way of looking at things. Anytime someone makes a choice there are pros and cons associated with it. There are things that make sense for every one of his moves and there are things that don't make sense for everyone of them as well. It's perspective. It's subjectivity. By saying "well all of his moves made sense at the time" (and ignoring the results) all one is doing is focusing on that aspect because one wants too.... and idzik supporters will use that argument more in this instance because the results suck and thats all they CAN use.

    Take for example the Richardson draft pick. Even people who think Idzik is a used car salesman like myself will acknowledge that was a good draft pick.
    However - a lot of people would say it didn't make sense for the Jets to draft him at the time considering the offense was horrendous and the DL was already a strength... why aren't people talking about how that pick didn't really make sense now? Because the silly point is moot.

    When people have to resort to praising someone's thought process over the results- that means that they are grasping to make the decision maker look better. With Idzik - - for every non-move it's "well he is being smart trying to preserve cap room" - however when he overpays an Eric Decker its "the team really needs a reliable receiver like Decker" - - but what about that precious cap room theory? Oh - that's right it only exists when Idzik fails.

    Basically what I am saying is of course there are reasons for every move Idzik made. Should we really support him for that alone? Maybe we should want a little more than that don't ya think? He's completely rebuilt the offense in the 2 years he has been here. With some major investments and resources expended... yet the offense is still just as terrible as the 2012 one that was fielded before he got here. And he threw away some big time pieces on defense to make that happen. And I'm supposed to ignore all of that on sundays when the Jets lose week in and week out because there was a reason for everything he tried? How about some results for once...
    legler82 likes this.
  15. perpetualchange

    perpetualchange Active Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Everyone is seriously overthinking this.

    I'll give our overwhelming no. 1 biggest problem. Hint: It's not Rex, it's not even Idzik. It's the largest reason by far we can't move the ball on offense or put points on the board. Here it is:

    Red Menace and FJF like this.
  16. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    OMFG, he tries to defend his ridiculous post!

    Seriously drop the crack pipe and step away from the huge hole that you keep digging for yourself.

    Sheldon Richardson would be lucky to make the impact that Abraham or Ellis has made on this team.

    When you look at THE WHOLE FRIGGIN DRAFT you realize that the Penington vs Geno tells you just how fierce a chihwawa Pennington really was.

    Dustin Keller was a first round pick that could catch pretty well but in their primes I would take Becht.

    For the record 1977 was our best draft ever,

    Round Overall Player Position Birthdate College
    1 4 Marvin Powell OT 08/30/1955 Southern California
    2 33 Wesley Walker WR 05/26/1955 California

    3 72 Tank Marshall DT 01/06/1955 Texas A&M
    4 90 Scott Dierking RB 05/24/1955 Purdue
    5 116 Perry Griggs WR 09/17/1954 Troy State
    5 129 Gary Gregory OT 04/18/1955 Baylor
    6 144 Joe Klecko DT 10/15/1953 Temple
    7 168 Charlie White RB 08/31/1953 Bethune-Cookman
    7 171 Bob Grupp P 05/08/1955 Duke
    7 195 Kevin Long RB 01/20/1955 South Carolina
    8 200 Dan Alexander OG 06/17/1955 Louisiana State
    8 210 Ed Thompson LB 10/06/1954 Ohio State
    9 227 Matt Robinson QB 06/28/1955 Georgia
    10 256 John Hennessy LB 03/12/1955 Michigan
    11 307 Dave Butterfield DB 07/29/1954 Nebraska
    12 312 Phil Gargis RB 07/06/1955 Auburn
    12 313 Dave Conrad OT 10/27/1953 Maryland
  17. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    -were both kind of wrong and right here so I apologize. It says he missed beginning of his junior year due to an injury in practice, then returned had the freak scooter accident and was done for the year. He came back and got hurt game 1 and missed his entire senior season. So he didn't miss 2 years like I thought, over a 2 year period he did not play much at all. Where I'm going with my Mcdougle issue, like all other hypotheticals posed.. One quick defense you guys have on the issue of not addressing corner is. Well Mcdougle would have been great? It's all guesses and assumptions.. He was projected so late cause of his injury history and size.

    Your anwsers are all some form of what I was saying earlier... All
    L hypotheticals. But Hers the facts..

    Going into year 3 of the idzik plan. The jets need.

    Entire secondary
    2 new lineman at minimum.

    I don't see how we're better off since this guy took over. We're at ground zero for rebuilding
  18. Dom

    Dom Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    idk that didn't really answer my question with any facts or ideas

    give me legitimate reasons why you know so much about football and why idzik sucks. don't use the cop out about record and results
  19. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    huh? what do you want a resume? I don't know a damn thing about football. I'm just another fan like the rest of us here.

    as for Idzik- In what world should we ignore record & results in evaluating someone. fantasy land?
  20. Dom

    Dom Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    this team has way more talent than given credit for

    richardson, wilkerson, harrison, coples, harris, mangold, ferguson, harvin, decker, and ivory are all above average to great players. giacomini is an average right tackle and calvin pace is fine as well.

    to judge idzik's drafts are asinine. pryor played out of position all year (and still ranked ahead of Clinton-Dix on PFF), jace amaro has shown flashes of being a pro bowl player, and we obviously can't judge shaq evans and dex mcdougle. it's a great feat to have as many draft picks from that draft on our roster as we do. Having IK, dakota dozier, trevor reilly, shaq evans, mcdougle, pryor, and amaro is fantastic for the future. im so sick of people expecting greatness from rookies, especially late round picks.

    the second excuse is valid, but also overly used. the ravens are 8-5 with the worst secondary in football. they are playing asa jackson and antoine cason at CB with people i've never even heard of at safety. their first round pick from last year (matt elam) isn't even playing because he hasn't been good. i guess even great GMs like ozzie newsome can make mistakes and just to add another fact to that his 2nd round pick from that draft (arthur brown) hasn't played at all either.

    we all knew 3 years ago that this would be a long process. the expectations of last year have fucked everything up
    The 1985er likes this.

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