when you're weighing options and you have mariota who has shown to be worthy and winston who has shown to be worthy. those things are going to be factored. now you can say they are bullshit. but there is something to be said for the players who have managed to not have all these little issues pop up during their seasons. the issues he has had or not had are the kind of things that make you wonder what happens when he has some substantial coin in his pockets. there's no doubt the kid can play and if he could have came out last year he was probably top 3 pick. he still might be but you can't get mad for people cooling on him after the season he has had
So you think your boyfriend is completely innocent of everything that he's been accused of? You cannot be that naive. Mariota has been accused of nothing. And is a better QB. _
c'mon jstokes. you're a lot better than believing the point shaving thing. also no one gives a flying fuck about him signing items
No. Winston stole crab legs and yelled that comment. But if you honestly want to believe he raped a girl, signed autographs, and Shaved points you go ahead. No one is stopping you. And Winston is the better QB. Mariota is excellent but a teenage girl could complete passes in Oregon's offense.
Absolutely. And he would likely take Winston which scares the shit out of me with him potentially going to Oakland.
Winston may be the superior prospect, since he has experience in a pro style offense. But Mariota WILL be the better Pro.
the difference there is cam was able to stay clean for and get some time between his legal issues and when he was drafted. if winston stays in school for 1 quiet year and plays like he can. he will be #1 with a bullet
I don't believe it but it's noise. The signing thing points more to an extreme level of stupidity given the noise around him. Hey Jameis, just keep it clean this year. Ok, but let me just sign 1000 items for sale. Not bright. _
Newton was arrested and then continued to steal laptops and almost got charged with a felony. He was kicked out of his University. Are you joking?
Yeah you're right. Let's not draft him because he potentially sold his autograph. What a terrible thing!!! He can never be a franchise QB because of that!!
You've stated multiple times, that we should draft Winston, because "he just wins". Your arguement isn't any better.
it's not his fault he's got accused of it. i'd be dumb to sit here and try to argue jameis doesn't have his fair share of problems. the "fuck her right in the pussy" thing is immature and so is the crab legs event. but i'm not going to let that dictate my grade on him. he's not an asshole, just immature. that could wear off and i think the whole NFL draft experience could be humbling for him. he's definitely the best pro ready NFL QB int his draft. is mariota better? yes, but barely
I have no idea whether he raped a girl but nothing was "proven" false. Like you want to believe or convince yourself of. If you want to stick your head in the sand and believe he DIDN'T sign autographs for sale, no one is stopping your naïveté. And while a girl could complete passes in that offense, a girl would also throw as many INTs as Winston in that offense too. Mariota doesn't do that. He's smarter than Winston and doesn't make stupid decisions. On or off the field. _