Oh well, just another day in America. Police are infallible when it comes to certain things. Cue the apologies to the Garner family in 3..2..1.
Wow. The guy clearly stated his complications to the officer and the officer continued which helped cause Mr. Garner's death. It sucks this won't be taken further but I'm sure that officer will suffer for a long time.
one case has nothing to do with the other just as the cases where black POs killed white kids. they are all separate and while some may look bad I urge people to actually try to deal with the facts rather than get led by Al Sharpton. I don't have an opinion on this case, I don't have all the facts. the officer may have been in the wrong but he's not automatically wrong b/c he is white the victim black.
This has nothing to do with Al Sharpton ... to me this was wrong on every level. Free pass for pulling an illegal choke hold on an innocent bystander. We can make this issue about Race, and I do think it's playing a role here. I'm interested to see what happens to the Black Police officer in Utah. I hope you guys watched the full video before making these posts. "I CAN'T BREATE"
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. --MARTIN NIEMÖLLER
So if I jaywalk and a Cop decides to choke me out and kill me - you can justify the cop making that decision?
okay, so assuming just for the sake of argument that's a legitimate reason to arrest the guy, and forgetting he weighs four bills and has asthma, what was the discussion going on before the takedown all about? I mean, I'll watch it when I get home, but if they told him they were placing him under arrest and he refused to comply, he was asking for trouble. Not saying he deserved to die, but you kind of know two little guys aren't taking down a leviathan without hurting him somehow.
There apparently was a fight before the cops showed up that Mr.Garner helped break up. Garner was known throughout the area for selling cigs. Officers approach him with probably the belief that he was selling again. Garner was frustrated and tired of the constant harassment. Officers call for backup and when backup arrives an officer from behind touches him which appears he was trying to arrest Mr.Garner. Garner tells the officer to not touch him, in comes the illegal choke from the officer who initiated the contact from behind. I dont know if they seen him sell or if they assumed he did. Either way it was clear he was going down.
Ok Junc, I'll bite.. Can you please bring up these cases of Black LEO's killing unarmed White Kids or any Whites in general for selling loose cigarettes. Better yet, ask Siri how many Black LEO's killed unarmed White people and were not indicted. I would be curious what that number is. Equivocation... Really Junc? Ok, so this white cop decided to choke the living shit out of this college kid who was white. Jarod Dotson (kid who was choked) was charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest. He was released from jail on a $500 bond Sunday morning. Cop was fired right away. Now come to this incident. Cop forcefully chokes and kills an innocent black person (who may or may not have been selling cigs) and not one charge. He said "stop I can't breathe" and they didn't let up one bit. That's fucking bullshit. What Jarod did was far worse then Gardener.
The thing that gets me is that these cops are getting off from the grand jury. Grand juries indict practically everyone. If any one of us were to go to a grand jury for something that ended in someone's death, it would be a quick indictment, faster than you can smoke a cigarette -- see you at the trial, we'll sort it out then. It's like they are pressuring the grand jury because they don't want a trial, circus atmosphere