If we take one media shitstorm this offseason it's Winston. I doubt Rice is much if any better then CJ anymore, forget Ivory.
thread stays open. If we can talk about getting RG3, we can talk about RayRice although I highly doubt it happens. This Franchise is enough of a circus now without making things worse by signing the most toxic NFL player in recent times.
Funny you should bring him up. Kinda proves that when it comes to signing toxic players, The Jets lead the league thanks to our Brilliant GM in training. So if we sign Rice, we'll have a Wife Beater AND a Dog Killer on the roster. Throw in the teammate basher and we'll have a party! Who sez the circus left town....
Lol ,maybe we can take a shot at OJ Simpson to be our running backs coach!!if and when he ges out of prision.Maybe he can teach Ray Rice how to get away with murder
Seriously, there isn't a GM in the league who isn't considering Rice as a candidate for their team. They may decide against him, but they're all thinking about him. And what's wrong with discussing it here? Every major sports outlet from Fox Sports to ESPN is talking Ray Rice. You seem to have forgiven Michael Vick for his transgressions. All it takes is one good game. I'm not defending Rice, but somebody is going to improve their team with him on the roster.