The picture is not intended to say he magically deserved to die as an unarmed human being. That's a foolish strawman that many are pushing but no one with half a brain falls for. It's a bit of a look at the character of someone the media repeatedly tries to paint as a sweet innocent little teenager.
lol Every single story starts with something to the effect of "The unarmed teenager who was killed by a white cop." I can probably pull up 25 articles in less than 5 minutes. They usually include a picture of him in his cap and gown.
you can but a couple of days, if not a week after he was shot in the head, the footage of the robbery in the store was plastered everywhere by the media with the intent to say he deserved what was coming to him.
as to why the cop showed up in the first place, yes! But to also allow others to have the belief that he deserved what he got by robbing the store. Its the same reason why you posted that picture. A black kid with a gun, therefore is evil, and because of this he deserved what he got. This repeatedly happens thats why I wont believe anything you say or what the media says. I know what your intentions were and what the medias intentions were.
I just can't really fathom the logic behind some people black, white or purple. Whether the cop was justified or not when a police officer or anyone for that matter draws a firearm on you whilst you're unarmed you should probably listen to there instructions rather then run full speed ahead at them. As others have outlined also it doesn't make sense as to why those residents think it's appropriate to destroy their own community. It's going to set their towns development back several years and simply makes no sense. If they pillaged and decided to riot two downs over in a rich white community it would make sense (although it still wouldn't be right). Just an excuse for those who may not really care about the cause to act criminally.
I agree in that the kid should not have charged at the officier and must of been clearly off that day.
You are delusional. I've stated several times already why he was shot, because he fucking assaulted a police officer and tried to steal his weapon. That would happen to anyone of any color. Black people love making excusing for their behavior and act as though they don't need to follow the same laws as everyone else. Because they're black of course and everyone who disagrees is racist. Welcome to the ignore list. I hope you try to steal a cops gun.
I would venture a guess that most of those residents don't really consider it "their" community insofar as I doubt many of them own the homes they live in or the businesses they shop at. Again, that's just a guess on my part.
Well, nobody likes to use the r -word. So I guess my point is that the police, in my limited experience, have shown the remarkable ability to treat me and my friends very lightly when we had scrapes with the law. I'm pretty certain the black kids in the shitty neighborhood two towns over didn't get the kid gloves treatment. Institutional bias is and has been alive and well and its not going anywhere.
Someone tell notsatoshinakmoto that I do not hate him and to have a happy Thanksgiving. Ima usin Tapatalkie.
So if you accept that he did that and shouldn't have done it how can you not accept that's why he's dead? The only logical conclusion then is you believe that if a white guy who was 6'4" and almost 300lbs charged the police officer after punching him in the face several times and reaching for his gun that the officer would have just let him tackle him and potentially disarm and kill him? What part of your brain allows for you to acknowledge facts of what happened but not the causal relationship between them? If you want to argue that the cop only initially acted the way he did because it was a black man then that's one thing but had Michael Brown not "been clearly off that day" then he would 100% be alive. It's not like the cop was just wildly firing his gun at every black guy in sight just for the hell of it, it was in direct response to the actions of Brown.
I have no choice but to accept that the reason that he's dead is because of a bullet to his head due to him reportedly charging at the officer. Ima usin Tapatalkie.
Do they track how the percentage of stops compares to the overall population for the area? If the stops come close to the racial make up of the community then I don't see an issue. I know my old neighborhood they did not care, they stopped, harassed, arrested any of us. But if you looked at the arrests it was probably 65-70% black because that was the current breakdown in the area.