Exactly the case I was talking about, Dillon Taylor. There are still certain websites that are saying how wrong the police were. If anyone is interested here is the video link, don't want to post the actual video since it is graphic. v=o1UjKqzVDCw Edit: Couldn't post the link because it kept putting the actual video up but if you put the above in google it takes you to the video.
Here we go again... Just another "mistake". I'm sure this officer will not be indicted as it was an "accident".. Oh well. Just another dead Black Man killed by a Cop doing his duty and wanting to get home at the end of his shift folks. Nothing to see here... http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york...28-brooklyn-housing-project-article-1.2018724 How long before the victim smear begins..? I give it a week at most.. I guess the upside here is that this cop was a pretty good shot considering he fired one time and hit his target in complete darkness. Diallo got hit 41 times in a lighted doorway. I guess NYPD actually does make it to the firing range every now and then. Either way, no indictments, probably no charges either. Just another day.
This cop will probably do time for involuntary man slaughter at the least. Obviously a completely different situation.
Highly doubtful.. This cop will be relieved of duty for a specific amount of time, then receive some sort of counseling, then returned to duty assuming he's even indicted which he won't be. In the meantime, they will smear this "thug" to the nth degree to supply justification. At the end of the day, its just another dead black guy anyway. No big deal.. I hope Sharpton and company don't waste their time protesting this. It won't change a damn thing anyway as these things just continue to happen over and over without repercussion. Two centuries or so ago, there was a saying that "the only good injun, was a dead injun". Some things just never change, only the wording.
he admitted to accidentally firing a gun and killing someone. I don't see how he doesn't do time for that. any one of us would.
Say what you will but this was a wanted perpetrator who was shot, not a guy on his way home from tutoring kids in math or volunteering at the YMCA. The cop probably prevented 2 crimes minimum by his actions. He should receive an accommodation instead of negotiating a resignation. When the rioting and looting starts, I hope that there are more Darren Wilsons out there to protect everyday citizens and small business owners from the entitled masses looking for an excuse to break the law. Protest something meaningful, not this Ferguson.
Cops aren't judged the same way civilians are. The powers that be will get the resolution they want. Just like Ferguson. The victim will be smeared, the cop will be exonerated and life will continue just like nothing ever happened because nothing did happen. It was an accident.. It was only a black guy which means, its always justified.
Yep.. As long as you have Darren Wilsons out there and good citizens like Zimmerman protecting you, sleep well. Those evil nefarious blacks WILL fear the night. Since any crime perpetrated by blacks rates the death penalty, there really shouldn't ever be any indictments or trials as they simply waste time and money. Hell, blacks don't even need to be committing a crime anymore, they just need to be there. Just a waste of time protesting too since that changes nothing and only gives the Darren Wilsons and Zimmermans more reason to shoot first and go have a beer. Due process only applies to Whites.
and the "Beat" goes on... http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york...eged-fare-beater-head-baton-article-1.2019269 Can we stop pretending now?
You know, I don't want to make this a racial argument that divides the board but this is the truth. St. Louis weaponized "blackness." The mere thought of black assembly is a criminal act according to the police. The real protesters that haven't caused any harm.
baby girl needs to wipe her face. As for the video, that was a bit much. Cop clocked him right on the head. Yikes!
As much as I think the guy that got shot was a worthless piece of dogshit, have you actually paid attention to how many cops get away with absolutely horrendous crimes that are just brushed under the rug? This is across the board. They do not even get a slap on the wrist for shooting people in cold blood most times, and the national news, hell even the local news, turns a blind eye. It really does boggle the mind. So, if this is what it takes for the country to take notice, then fuck it. Let the racist agenda draw attention to something that really needs to be kicked in the teeth. Law officers have been above the law for far too fucking long.
Not a racial thing , it is a crime thing. If you commit an aggravated robbery earlier and then charge a policeman to get his weapon after he orders you to stop, you just punched your ticket IMO. The coroner's findings support the story given by the officer. It is not always an injustice. Just my two cents.
The cop should have turned around with his baton and bashed the dude in the face that kept saying "woww...wow...wow...wowww". Annoying as fuck. _
The world would be a better place if cops were simply held to the same standard as the black criminals they are forced to deal with. I specify black criminals because the media and racists don't give a shit about how white criminals are treated.
fuck disabled criminals. they already have advantages in life with their special parking and businesses having to retrofit their bathrooms so they can handi-shit wherever they want.