Nope. This was planted by Rex. Probably knows he needs a strong finish to save his job, and just because they beat the Steelers doesnt mean shit. Theyve been playing like a slapdick team. Now lets go get a goddamn snack.
Is Cris Carter stating "don't turn the ball over" more or less insightful than Herm's "you play to win the game"? With all these great motivational speeches, I AM PUMPED for the Bills game.
I haven't listened to M&M in a few years, but I was listening to them in '09 and '10 and remember him specifically bashing the Jets every time he was asked about them, which was often because Greenburg had a habit of asking wherever analyst came on their show about his team. For that reason alone, I find it annoying that Rex brought this guy in as a speaker.
Lol are you serious? Teams do shit like this all the time. Quit being a whiny bitch cause the season isnt going well. And fuck the steelers
Yep, your right, I'm not that bright, if you were a jet fan calling me out I would engage you in conversation, waste my time with a pats fan, on a jet forum. Not going to happen, enjoy your ignore status.
Hahahahahaha oh man. Yes youre right. Im the only pats fan in the world to embrace spygate and the hernandez arrest as a good thing. Its like he doesnt have eyes or something lol This guy is almost as whiny as tom brady when he gets hit and the refs dont throw a flag
Please tell me this is a joke post? Lmao He's not a Pats fan, hence why he told you to take a second look at his avatar hahahahaha
Oh my, I need reading glasses, I could not make out the guy in the silhouette with the camera, my bad. Listen moron, I don't whine, I speak my opinion on the jets, I don't know how long you have been following the team but I have seen plenty of bad seasons from this team since 1980. And I'm not the only one on this thread who thinks it's stupid. I also don't waste my time insulting other posters on this board, never have never will, everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter how crazy it is. If I don't like it, I just read it and move on.
Have a a laugh Falco, I would do the same, I could not make out all of the details in his avatar until I enlarged it. All good man.
Has cris carter ever even been to a super bowl? His team had one good year and got embarrassed to finish that season. Sit yo ass down Cris.
If Rex was going to use his connections to get the team a speech to help motivate them my first guess would have been to ask Ray Lewis considering he is supposed to be an amazing motivational speaker when it comes to football.
He tweaks Keyshawn who more often than not speaks up for the Jets. They make fun of Ditka's Bears too.
I'm sure some of you would truly love the Jets to finish 2-8, regardless of protestations that you'd prefer to win every game. So Rex tried something different and now he's getting bashed for this as well? I hope Rex is here next year, turns this shit around and has many of you eating pie.