Unbelievable crap going on. I joined the work league at my job. It's a cash league. Things were going normal until this week. Last night, the first trade of the season. The 8-1-1 team traded Martellus Bennett straight up to the 1-8-1 team for Rob Gronkowski. Understandably, I was royally pissed up. Brought it up to a few people at work. They agreed it was BS. Got home from work and checked my team for updates. Another trade. The 8-1-1 team traded Chris Polk straight up to the 2-8 team for Andre Ellington. Posted on the league wall calling out the cheating. Emailed the commissioner. If these trades aren't reversed, I'm quitting and getting my money back. Who the hell tries to pull this shit with their co-workers? I'm guessing they paid those two lowest teams off.
That's why all of my leagues have a rule implemented that the commissioner has to grant approval of a trade and it needs to receive a majority vote among the other members. Keeps this away
There is a league veto, but if three of twelve people are already in on it, I question it properly getting vetoed. I'm just going to find the league commissioner at work tomorrow and hound him.
Fantasy football stopped being a hobby when people started putting up money to get into a league for a chance to win the pot at the end of the season. Chances are the people conspiring on the trades have decided on splitting the money at the end of the season.
Trades reversed. Who wants to bet she and her husband flip out and/or resubmit the exact same trades but tries to include a shitty player with each trade to justify it? Also, didn't noticed the Fantasy Football forum. My bad.
Well, it's a league of co-workers, but she runs the team with her husband. Also, her one loss was against me.
That's where being commish yourself comes in handy. I had to manually change a trade a few days ago where 1 owner gave all his good players away for bench scrubs. I banned him from trading, and gave a warning. Shit happens every year, in at least 1 league. Next year I'm changing to commish approval for trades. If you're not commish of a league where it happens, all you can do is talk to the commish about it.
Sense it's a coworker you could serve up some break room justice. http://www.amazon.com/MAD-Pepper-Extract-Million-Scovile/dp/B00170SLO4
Yea, I'd prefer not to go to illegal means. Commish overturned both trades last night. Walked into work and she plus three other owners were hanging out. She was quite pissed at all of us for not being okay with her trades. Tried to make us believe she didn't understand why they weren't fair trades but she's was so full of it.
I'd love to see somebody try to explain how even ROSTERING Chris Polk would be a good idea. The trading of said player, for Andre Ellington would be highway robbery, and great to hear someone trying to justify the trade.