The Keep Rex Ryan Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Monty_Droppings, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Superhippy

    Superhippy Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
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    Sanchez was unfairly run out of town, and now the Jets are going to have to watch him for the next decade be a very productive QB, either on the Eagles or somewhere else.

    2009 - Struggled throughout the season as rookie, but he only had one year of college experience. Anyone shocked by this is delusional. And through all of his struggles he still played very well in the playoffs and led us to the AFC title game.

    2010 - Showed clear improvement, and got his turnover number down to a reasonable 14. Led us to the AFC title game again.

    2011 - Had more interceptions, but also threw 26 TD's. With Holmes, Plax, and Keller he showed the ability to play pretty well with average talent. The team barely missed the playoffs.

    2012 - Our receiving core was a disaster. Keller got hurt early. Holmes got hurt. Hill sucked. Cummberland was a rookie. Schilens and Gates were his main receivers and they are not even in the league anymore. Now stack that with the Tebow distraction and it's no wonder the team fell apart. That and Holmes acting like a little bitch when he obviously was not playing as well as he had before.

    Now he is on the Eagles and with good talent around him he is playing like a Top 12 - 15 QB, which makes sense since it's his 6th year in the league and he has matured. Like it or not, the Jets pulled a Steve Young with the Bucs, and let our franchise QB leave because the media and fans were too busy trashing him and not trashing the awful team around him.
  2. Pocket Jet

    Pocket Jet Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
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  3. AZ_JetsFan

    AZ_JetsFan Member

    Nov 11, 2014
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    Civil discussion here. I'm not saying Sanchez did not have success here his first couple of years. But can you objectively look at Sanchez's stats and say he "led" us to the playoffs? And I'm having a hard time following your train of thought here. First post you blame the media/fans for running Sanchez out of town. Then you also blame the media/fans for wanting to run the coaches/GM out of town. Yet you said, " a new offensive coordinator, and a little luck ( plus the time he had to recover from his shoulder surgery to clear things in his confused mind), I would have given him at least 1 more shot". So you wanted to a new offensive coordinator after one year on the job? You say that after you accuse fans of wanting to run coaches and players out of town too soon.

    The main point of this thread isn't Sanchez. Sanchez is but one illustration of Rex Ryan's failure as a HC. Rex had a young, promising QB, that he hand picked. And after four years, Sanchez turned from franchise savior with 4 playoff wins into the guy who put up these stats in his one of his last regular season games (13-28 1 TD, 4 INT's, 1 Fumble lost). My agrument isn't that Sanchez was always awful, but that he was poorly developed and got worse. All under Rex's watch.
  4. Jets69

    Jets69 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
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    Ya definitely keep Rex can't wait to see which defensive dud we draft in the first round this year
    PennyRoyal10 likes this.
  5. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Let's see what happens when Sanchez goes up against a NFL team. The panthers are in shambles and they are in a division where the N.O. Saints have the lead for the NFC South title at 4-5. He did look better, but he had flashes here too. The first time he gets his bell rung you can kiss the rest of the game he starts goodbye.

    Also on a side note: If Rex is retained and Marty is let go, Seth Ryan will leave Clemson and will become our OC. There is no limit to the insanity, think about it.
  6. Superhippy

    Superhippy Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
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    Did Rex really fail to develop Sanchez though, or did the front office just make horrible personnel choices when is came to the guys he was throwing to. In 2012 his main receivers all year beyond Kerley were Hill, Shillens, and Gates, all of which are not even in the league anymore. It's also been stated even right after the draft that Rex didn't want Hill at all, but Tanny decided to choose him anyways. Sanchez even after the 8-8 season in 2011 was progressively getting better and better. In 2011 he threw 26 TD's, which was the 2nd most a Jet has ever thrown before. We also ranked 13th in points scored in 2010 and 2011. Sanchez got shat on by the fans and media because he wasn't Peyton Manning after his 1st 4 years. He was well on his way to being a Stafford or Ryan though, but for Jet fans that's just not good enough.
  7. AZ_JetsFan

    AZ_JetsFan Member

    Nov 11, 2014
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    Fair agrument. I agree that the front office shares blame in all of this. Please don't misconstrue my thoughts on that. Before I delve into my deeper thoughts on this, can I ask you some questions? Do you feel like Rex had sway with regards to personnel/draft decisions? Do you agree that Tony Sparano was a terrible hire as an OC? If your answers are yes to both questions, then I can share my thoughts. If you don't, then it's not going to be a worthwhile discussion.
    Pocket Jet likes this.
  8. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    Geez, do I really have to spell it to you? Ok civil response:

    1. The fans and the media ran Mark Sanchez out of town.
    2. After 10 games into the season, the fans and the media are looking to run the coach and the GM out of town...see article " fan hires plane
    to fly 'Get Rid of Idzik' banner over Jets camp.......
    3. When I mentioned a new offensive coordinator, that is Marty Morningwig. When Sanchez got hurt , we never had the opportunity to see
    how much of him and MM would mesh together.. He certainly was winning the job in preseason and would have been the starter in 2013.

    Sanchez had only 1 year of real college experience. He was thrown into the fire to soon. He really should have been holding the note pad
    for at least half a season. But the Jets & Rex, were not in the position to be patient. Blame it on whatever you like. The fact is, everyone knows, in Sanchez's 3rd year, the talent on the offense really started to wane. Is that Ryan's and Idzik's fault? Yes, absolutely. Have they tried to make amends by bringing players like Amaro, Decker, Harvin, Ivory/Johnson, to correct the errors in their ways? Yes absolutely.
    Would Sanchex have benefitted from these new additions? I certainly think so. But unfortunately, thanks to the fans and media, we'll never know now, will we?
  9. AZ_JetsFan

    AZ_JetsFan Member

    Nov 11, 2014
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    Thanks for spelling it out. Your first couple posts were hard to follow.

    My only response to you then is this; why are you posting this in a Rex Ryan thread? If you want to lament the decision to get rid of Sanchez, then I'm sure there's a thread to voice that opinion.

    But you did highlight my point that Rex was partly to blame for Sanchez's regression. Glad we can agree on that.
  10. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    I mostly read and only post when I think the fact I'm a Dolphin fan won't hijack the thread. There are a several guys on here that post clear and concise info but two that stand out for me are Big Blocker and Brdw4. I think both are very well spoken and have a tremendous amount of knowledge. Though I don't always agree with them I enjoy reading their insight. In just one post it's easy fit you in with them and I would highly encourage you to come out of the shadows a little more often. Very well written post and you are right on the money in my opinion.
    Ben Had likes this.
  11. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Looks like we finally found someone that thinks Blocker knows his ass from a hole in the wall about football.

    Welcome to the new world.
    FJF likes this.
  12. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Dolphins are gay. Go back to lurking you creepy fish lover.
  13. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    The reason i posted is simple: the 2 go hand-in-hand. The support for Rex is admirable and highly deserved. He has done his best with
    what 'was given to him'. Two rookie QB's in 6 years of coaching and has, even with this poor season, maintained a nearly .500 win/loss

    The irony of this that we are our own worst enemy. We bitch , holler, moan , scream, threaten, and call names to players that 'under perform'
    to our expectations. Then, when the franchise succumbs to the media and fans demands by getting rid of players like Sanchez, we then find
    ourselves creating threads like these to say 'well, fu&k it if you can't take a joke'. . That's what it pretty much amounts to.

    I'm not knocking the OP....and I agree that we should keep Rex. Rex and Idzik can only roll the dice on these moves to try to upgrade the should only be them and not us/media loading it.

    One more point.....anyone , and I mean anyone in all walks of life, can be hero and a goat within the hour. Rex and Idzik are microcosms of the people that follow the team. No one should be casting any stones here.
  14. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Sanchez would have played well with Decker,Amaro,Harvin,Ivory,and Johnson not to mention Kerley,you can't say we don't have any weapons anymore because we do when they are used right.If Rex gets another head coaching job with a team like Atlanta he will be back in the playoffs ,he will be back in the playoffs where ever he ends up while we watch Idziks Coach do nothing
    Truth4U2 likes this.
  15. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    My counter points:

    Doesn't it fall on Rex that he couldn't develop 2 rookies QBs? Or were both QBs just not NFL QBs? Matt Ryan, Wilson, Luck, Flacco, Kaepernick, Newton, Tannehill, Dalton, Foles are all young QBs entering their 3rd/4th or greater years that were developed by their coaches. Players like Freeman, Locker, etc who weren't, those coaches are gone.

    Let's not rewrite history, Sanchez needed a fresh start and the Jets needed a fresh start. One of the better things that happened to Sanchez was he didn't need to play with the lack of talent in 2013 because he would looked even worse and had another terrible year on his resume.

    The media isn't loading decisions, because a perfect time to get a new coach is when you bring in a new GM, for a fresh start. The Jets didn't do that even with the media asking for it.

    We can definitely cast stones. We are fans, that's what we do. I really like Rex and think he will do well at his next HC job. I don't see a way Woody keeps him beyond this season and I don't want to take another roll of the dice and let Rex try to develop his 3rd young QB
  16. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    I also agree with you...alot on here have a great sence of humor too.
  17. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Well said ...... (sadly for us as Jets fans)
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Interesting post. You make a number of points, some of which I agree with. But not all.

    I agree that we should not regret Sanchez's departure. I am guessing his production would have been better last year than Smith's if he had avoided injury and played for the Jets. But what his supporters forget is his contract was an albatross around the team. Philly did not sign him to that contract. If they had to, they would have passed on him. As a practical matter it would have been impossible for the Jets to have signed him to the terms he reached in Philly.

    Another sort of outside the box consideration is that the injury he suffered in that last preseason game may have been a blessing for him. Didn't I hear he was suffering from nagging injuries before then? He had a chance to sit all last season, get better, and come back stronger. If he had not have gotten that injury...?

    THen there's the change of scenery consideration.

    Then there's the water under the bridge consideration.

    In short, Sanchez Fans take a two game stretch with him as some kind of validation of their supporting him when he was one of the worst Qb's in the league his last two years with the Jets, showing no development, and pulling down huge money with his bs contract. F him for playing better now instead of when he was on the Jets.

    I also hope the mods keep going forward discussions of Sanchez on the NFL boards, and not taking up space here. Wasted space.
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    The point made in displaced's first paragraph, however, is problematic.

    I get that the failures of some of the Qb's cited probably had much more to do with them being a poor fit in the NFL than the coaching, or lack thereof, that they received.

    But that is not really an argument that totally absolves Ryan. We must also remember on the other side that Ryan has no record of success grooming, well,really any younger players on offense, including the Qb's. I had thought Kerley might be an exception there, but since he signed his new contract he has disappeared, hasn't he? In any event at best Kerley would have been an exception.
  20. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Why will he be back in the playoffs? The guy is a train wreck as a head coach. If anything, he would make them worse then they already are. There is literally nothing to go off of that guarantees they go back to the playoffs. If i was a team that had a stud receiver and an average qb, i would want no part of Rex Ryan and his conservative defense first attitude.
    TNJet and Red Menace like this.

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