In 2012, my brother and I made a field trip down to Miami to see the Jets. Planned to do it every year with him and/or my son. Then in both 2013 & 2014, the NFL scheduled the Jets game the last week of the season, betwen Christmas and New Years, and on my anniversary. Next year in London. If however, I make a field trip to London, would our UK Jets fans friends be willing to coordinate a ganggreen tailgate?
A couple of things on this. on the surface it looks bad for Miami to give up a divisional home game but when we look at this makes sense not only from a financial point of view but for football too. homefield doesn't seem to matter in this series. There are tons of opposing fans in both Stadiums. since 2008: Miami at home vs. Jets: 2-4 Miami at Jets: 5-1 and from a fans point of view they play the Jets at home every year so you have an annual chance to see them but if they chose an NFC team then it would be at least 12 years btw being able to see them. In 2007 they "hosted" NYG, let's say there is a Miami loon out there that really wanted to see Eli Manning, he missed a chance and if Eli isn't playing next year for some reason he'll never see him. The Giants last hosted the dolphins in 2003, they will next play them at home in 2015.
Wonder if someone will try starting up the J-E-T-S chant.. "joy!, jess, jess!"
Wouldn't they then chant ", jehh, jehh!" (depending on the severity of the stroke)? I didn't know how (in the previous post) to capture the 'local accent' thus the "joy, ee, tee, ess...jess,jess,jess" again, this is the crap you post when your team's 1-8 : -)
Question to our European comrades: with the NFL games in London do you get the impression that the interest and attendees are largely American ex patriots or is there a substantial native European interest? I've been wondering about this. There are quite a few Americans in Europe, possibly enough football fans to make the interest in a game seem more substantial among Europeans than is really there.
Having been to a few, and the Detroit cracker a few weeks ago, it does seem to be mainly Brits. There are always a number of Germans, too. US fans of the teams come over, but the vast majority of accents are British. And us British fans will need to welcome you over here, too. Gonna be great fun... Especially when we spank 'em.
Why don't the Jets come to Eugene sometime and play an exhibition. That way I won't have to spend several hundred dollars to go see the Jets lose to the Chargers.