nys just voted to borrow 2 billion and pay interest over TWENTY YEARS to pay for technology that will be obsolete in 5 years. I'm guessing this is another one to thank nyc liberals for. how can you possibly justify such nonsense? we already pay steep school taxes and the lottery income is supposed to help too. where is it all going?
They should really invest in roads. Ive been to states in the deep south and they have better roads than NY. It seems like once you get out of NY and NJ, the condition of the roads becomes significantly better. I got 2 flats in the past spring because of the wonderful road conditions in NY. Ive driven on dirt roads that are smoother than those.
The roads are better in warmer climates where the ground never freezes and snow never has to be scraped from the asphalt on a periodic basis? Man those fucking liberals.
Voting, gotta love it. You get to decide what people control how you are allowed to behave. I guess politics is better than the previous way, religion, where people didn't get to decide what clerics decided how to interpret the word of the book. Now, when we are driving to work, we decide the best cleric based upon how many smear ads and lawns signs seem the most convincing.
Ha. Don't know about that, but I wouldn't doubt it. I'm certain the pizza sucks comparatively, though. NY is home to some 20 million people. Nebraska has a few cows and assorted livestock and what not. That's much gentler on the infrastructure. Good buddy of mine, huge Jets fan, lost his mind and moved out to Nebraska. Raises goats. Very happy.
Depends on how well everyone plays between now and then but looking at historical trends I'd say that's doubtful.
Hillary has a lot of baggage and says stupid things. Her husband spent a lot of time trying to "help" dems in the midterm and that didn't work out too well. I think Rand Paul is the guy right now for republicans if I had to guess. "Don't let anyone tell you that ... you know ... it's corporations and businesses that create jobs"