Somewhere in Nevada, Harry Reid is re-enacting the Buffalo Bill/Bon Jovi looka like scene from Silence of the Lambs
And medical marijuana doesn't pass...Only got 57%... This state LOL. Will take about 30 years to join the 21st century.
All them old fucks down there who practically never got off the stuff in the '60s now won't return favor??? That's about as hypocritical as it gets.
I have a House Rep in my district who eats breakfast every morning at different local restaurants and invites people to show up and talk about their concerns. And he does Facebook Q&As at least once a week. He never even mentions running once, no signs or ads, you wouldn't even know there was an election (not a solid red district, either) It is so great to know my Congressman doesn't waste time on politics and really communicates with his constituents. Mick Mulvaney, BTW.
Medical marijuana is already legal in Florida. The current law allows for low THC strains that are high in cannabidiol which is what helps those with epilepsy, cancer, etc. It just doesn't get you high. Doctors can start prescribing Jan. 1st
Harry Reid, welcome to your new position. Here's your mop. And don't forget to put up a wet floor cone when you're done.
I just hope these clowns don't start the Presidential Campaign today....... Ads free ESPN is so nice.
Why don't you like Cuomo? just curious.. is it the safe act thing? because I ask people why they are pissed at Cuomo and that's the only thing I get and I have to shake my head. Ignoring everything about the guy, his policies, work he's done, etc... to be pissed off about a very vague law they don't even enforce. They've arrested what one or two people in the years the law has been on the books? (not saying that guy is you - that's why I am asking) I think he's done a good job with the state. Not great but good.
He's an arrogant bully IMO. Got elected campaigning on cleaning up Albany and is now under federal investigation for corrupting his own anti-corruption committee. He claimed the committee could investigate anyone and then shut them down whenever they got near him. Corruption still thriving in Albany. Common Core Unsafe Act (forced down our throats in the middle of the night) Says conservatives have no place in NYS NYS Ranked worst state to do business. NYS Ranked worst state to retire. What has he done to help upstate NY? I get it - all the liberals in NYC love him. You have the numbers so you win. The guy is a turd IMO. What's so great about him? We all have choices. I love NYS but now I'm researching other states to live in. I'm done bitching about him. He's here for 4 more years unless he's convicted.
Eh- most of what you have there are personal animosities/feelings that I can really argue with. I will address what he has done for Upstate NY though. That's actually his best attribute, ironically. He's done more for the upstate/western NY than any Governor prior to him in the last two centuries. He's investing $1 B (yes billion) in economic investment in Buffalo alone. His tax incentives for business startups have been great for western NY bringing jobs back to the struggling region. It's all highlighted by announcement of solar city, a tesla motors spin-off that will bring their factory and thousands of jobs to the upstate. That might not seem like a big deal down in the City but stuff like that hasn't happened to this region in forever. I truly believe Buffalo will see a renaissance in the coming years and lot of Cuomo's plans will pay off even bigger than they have so far. There are questions about his motivations for his focus on the upstate. Is he doing it just because he wants to run for Pres. someday and needs to have success outside of "all the liberals in NYC" as you put it...?? possibly..probably even, but who cares really as long as he helps the region. Even his biggest upstate opponent - Paladino, who I like in many ways has even had to acknowledge that Cuomo has been focusing improving on the upstate more than previous governors but that "once he gets elected he will ignore them like the others..." So really, THAT criticism is completely unfair. I also believe there is way too much fear mongering with the safe act. It's not even that big of deal.. there's not going to be a "Safe Act II" like the nuts will conspire to say. It's laughable.
Speaking of those tax incentives, we get alot of ads down here that want businesses to go up to Upstate New york and you don't pay state income tax for 10 years I think it says...